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Volume 12 - 1966

[Issue 1 2 3 4]

Issue 1

Editor: Maurice Beebe
Special Issue: Henry James

To the Poet of Prose
Leon Edel
Pages 3-6

Ironic Melodrama in The Portrait of a Lady 
Manfred Mackenzie
Pages 7-23

Moral Passion in The Portrait of a Lady and The Spoils of Poynton
Stephen Reid
Pages 24-43

The Princess Casamassima: Its Place in the James Canon 
Walter Dubler
Pages 44-60

"The Prose and the Modest of the Matter": James's Imagery for the Artist in Roderick Hudson  and The Tragic Muse
Lotus Snow
Pages 61-82

A Vision of Art: Henry James's The Tragic Muse 
Ernest H. Lockridge
Pages 83-92

Transcendence in The Wings of the Dove 
Stephen Koch
Pages 93-102

The Spatial Form of The Golden Bowl 
Alan Rose
Pages 103-116

Criticism of Henry James: A Selected Checklist
Maurice Beebe and William T. Stafford
Pages 117-177

Issue 2

Editor: Maurice Beebe
General Issue

The Twins that Tick Homo Vulgaris: A Study of Shem and Shaun 
Darcy O'Brien
Pages 183-199

The Maggie Nobody Knows
Joseph Katz
Pages 200-212

The Double in An American Tragedy
Lauriat Lane, Jr.
Pages 213-220

Style as Character: The Secret Agent 
Norman N. Holland
Pages 221-231

The Structure of Hemingway's Across the River and into the Trees
Peter Lisca
Pages 232-250

Nathanael West's Miss Lonelyhearts: Between the Dead Pan and the Unborn Christ 
Robert J. Andreach
Pages 251-260

Hemingway's "An Alpine Idyll"
Edward Hattam
Pages 261-265

F. Scott Fitzgerald and the State of American Letters in 1921 
Jackson R. Bryer
Pages 265-267

Muste's "Failure of Love" in Faulkner's Go Down, Moses 
Patrick G. Hogan, Jr., Dale A. Myers, and John E. Turner
Pages 267-270  

Modern Fiction Newsletter
Pages 271-294

Issue 3

Editor: Maurice Beebe
Special Issue: J. D. Salinger

Salinger's Feat
John Russell
Pages 299-312

Zen and Salinger
Bernice and Sanford Goldstein
Pages 313-324

The Parody of J. D. Salinger: Esmé and the Fat Lady Exposed 
John Antico
Pages 325-340

Salinger's "Esmé": Some Matters of Balance
Brother Fidelian Burke, F.S.C
Pages 341-348

"Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes": Salinger's Paolo and Francesca in New York
John V. Hagopian
Pages 349-354

"A Woeful Agony which Forced Me to Begin My Tale": The Catcher in the Rye
Hubert I. Cohen
Pages 355-366

Salinger in the Waste Land
John M. Howell
Pages 367-376

Criticism of J. D. Salinger: A Selected Checklist
Marcie Beebe and Jennifer Sperry
Pages 377-390

Issue 4

Editor: Maurice Beebe
General Issue

Myth, Mr. Eliot, and the Comic Novel
Robert Shulman
Pages 395-404

Patterns of Rebirth in Henderson the Rain King 
Robert Detweiler
Pages 405-414

Patterns in The Great Gatsby
Victor A. Doyno
Pages 415-426

Symbolism in Conrad's Lord Jim: The Total Pattern
Daniel J. Schneider
Pages 427-438

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Motif as Motivation and Structure 
Lee T. Lemon
Pages 439-450

The Satire of Huxley's Brave New World 
Peter E. Firchow
Pages 451-160

Ambiguity in Albert Camus' The Fall 
David Madden
Pages 461-472

"They Went Through This Fiction Every Day": Informed Illusion in The Old Man and the Sea
Bickford Sylvester
Pages 473-477

Sartre on The Sound and the Fury: Some Errors 
Henry J. Underwood, Jr.
Pages 477-479

The Texts of Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums" 
William R. Osborne
Pages 479-484

Modern Fiction Newsletter
Pages 485-525