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Interdisciplinary Studies

People Area of Interest
Alejandro Cuza
Second Language Acquisition, Child and Adult Bilingual Development, Psycholinguistics
Beate Allert
Comparative Literature, Intercultural Studies, Visuality, Image-Text, Ekphrasis, Film, Color Theory
Cheryl Cooky
Gender, Sports, and Media
Daniel J. Olson
Bilingualism, Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics, Technology Development for Language Learning
Elaine Francis
Syntax and Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Language and Cognition
Elena Benedicto
Formal Theoretical Linguistics, Generative Grammar, Syntax and Syntax-Semantics Interface
Lori Czerwionka
Corpus and Experimental Approaches to Linguistics, Language and Cultural Values, Humanities-Informed Engineering
Olga Dmitrieva
Technology-Assisted Acoustic Analysis of Speech, Speech Perception, Bilingual and Second Language Speech
Rayvon Fouché
Cultural Representation, Racial Identification, Technological Design
Shannon McMullen
Art and Technology