Amanda Warnock
Political Science & DVFS
Indiana State Department of Health

How has your internship helped build skills and clarify your career goals?
I have learned a great deal about managing community outreach and about qualitative analysis. I feel far more ready to enter into the workforce. I've learned that I enjoy policy analysis more than data management, and that I enjoy being out in the community.
How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills in your internship?
Community outreach requires the CLA skills of excellence in writing, communication, and public speaking.
Describe your typical day as an intern.
There is no typical day, which I have loved. My favorite event I worked was the Minority Health Fair in conjunction with the Black Expo. In my Analysis internship, I loved researching best practices for gonorrhea culture collection at hospitals, writing a thorough literature review, and presenting to the STD team at ISDH. I also got to learn how to use Tableau, a valuable data management and visualization platform, and got to create a wide variety of graphics and marketing materials for my teams.
How did you learn about your internship?
I frequently checked the ISDH website to see if they had posted internships. I also networked with the Maternal and Child Health team before applying, which helped me learn a great deal about the program.