Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures
Series History
The editorial offices of Purdue Studies in Romance Languages (PSRL) are located at Purdue University, 640 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2039, where they have been since the series began in 1978. The logo currently in use accompanies this paragraph.
The series is presently published by Purdue University Press,with offices at Stewart Center 370, 504 W. State Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2058 .The first volume of PSRL appeared in 1992. Representative volumes may be seen in the header to this page. The volumes are coded by color: blue for French, red for Italian, green for Luso-Brazilian, and yellow gold for Spanish. Two-color covers are used for volumes involving more than one field. How to Order.
The first 42 volumes of the series were published (1980-92) under the name Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages (PUMRL) by John Benjamins of Amsterdam and Philadelphia.The founding editors were: Wolfgang Moelleken, William Whitby, and Allan Pasco. Others who served as editors during the history of the series included Allen Wood, Djelal Kadir, Enrique Caracciolo-Trejo, and Howard Mancing.
See Benjamins's Web site for information on these books (opens in new window). The logo (designed by Dallas Pasco) used for the first part of the series accompanies this paragraph. Representative volumes of this part of the series may be seen below. PUMRL volumes may be ordered through Benjamins' Web site and from Amazon.
Excerpts from reviews of PUMRL books are available here.
Available from
1. John R. Beverley: Aspects of Góngora’s “Soledades.” Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1980. xiv, 139 pp. Cloth.
2. Robert Francis Cook: “Chanson d’Antioche,” chanson de geste: Le Cycle de la Croisade est-il épique? Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1980. viii, 107 pp. Cloth.
3. Sandy Petrey: History in the Text: “Quatrevingt-Treize” and the French Revolution. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1980. viii, 129 pp. Cloth.
4. Walter Kasell: Marcel Proust and the Strategy of Reading. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1980. x,125 pp. Cloth.
5. Inés Azar: Discurso retórico y mundo pastoral en la “Egloga segunda” de Garcilaso. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1981. x, 171 pp. Cloth.
6. Roy Armes: The Films of Alain Robbe-Grillet. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1981. x, 216 pp. Cloth.
7. David M. Dougherty and Eugene B. Barnes, eds.: Le “Galien” de Cheltenham. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1981. xxxvi, 203 pp. Cloth.
8. Ana Hernández del Castillo: Keats, Poe, and the Shaping of Cortázar’s Mythopoesis. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1981. xii, 135 pp. Cloth.
9. Carlos Albarracín-Sarmiento: Estructura del “Martín Fierro.” Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1981. xx, 336 pp. Cloth.
10. C. George Peale et al., eds.: Antigüedad y actualidad de Luis Vélez de Guevara: Estudios críticos. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1983. xii, 298 pp. Cloth.
11. David Jonathan Hildner: Reason and the Passions in the “Comedias” of Calderón. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1982. xii, 119 pp. Cloth.
12. Floyd Merrell: Pararealities: The Nature of Our Fictions and How We Know Them. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1983. xii, 170 pp. Cloth.
13. Richard E. Goodkin: The Symbolist Home and the Tragic Home: Mallarmé and Oedipus. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1984. xvi, 203 pp. Paper.
14. Philip Walker: “Germinal” and Zola’s Philosophical and Religious Thought. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1984. xii, 157 pp. Paper.
15. Claire-Lise Tondeur: Gustave Flaubert, critique: Thèmes et structures. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1984. xiv, 119 pp. Paper.
16. Carlos Feal: En nombre de don Juan (Estructura de un mito literario). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1984. x, 175 pp. Paper.
17. Robert Archer: The Pervasive Image: The Role of Analogy in the Poetry of Ausiàs March. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1985. xii, 220 pp. Paper.
18. Diana Sorensen Goodrich: The Reader and the Text: Interpretative Strategies for Latin American Literatures. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1986. xii, 150 pp. Paper.
19. Lida Aronne-Amestoy: Utopía, paraíso e historia: inscripciones del mito en García Márquez, Rulfo y Cortázar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1986. xii, 167 pp. Paper.
20. Louise Mirrer-Singer: The Language of Evaluation: A Sociolinguistic Approach to the Story of Pedro el Cruel in Ballad and Chronicle. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1986. xii, 128 pp. Paper.
21. Jo Ann Marie Recker: “Appelle-moi ‘Pierrot’” Wit and Irony in the “Lettres” of Madame de Sévigné. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1986. x, 128 pp. Paper.
22. J. H. Matthews: André Breton: Sketch for an Early Portrait. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1986. xii, 176 pp. Paper.
23. Peter V. Conroy, Jr.: Intimate, Intrusive, and Triumphant: Readers in the “Liaisons dangereuses.” Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1987. xii, 139 pp. Paper.
24. Mary Jane Stearns Schenck: The Fabliaux: Tales of Wit and Deception. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1987. xiv, 168 pp. Paper.
25. Joan Tasker Grimbert: “Yvain” dans le miroir: Une Poétique de la réflexion dans le “Chevalier au lion” de Chrétien de Troyes. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1988. xii, 226 pp. Cloth and paper.
26. Anne J. Cruz: Imitación y transformación: el petrarquismo en la poesía de Boscán y Garcilaso de la Vega. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1988. x, 156 pp. Cloth and paper.
27. Alicia G. Andreu: Modelos dialógicos en la narrativa de Benito Pérez Galdós. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1989. xvi, 126 pp. Cloth and paper.
28. Milorad R. Margitic;, ed.: Le Cid: Tragi-comédie. By Pierre Corneille. A critical edition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1989. lxxxvi, 302 pp. Cloth and paper.
29. Stephanie A. Sieburth: Reading “La Regenta”: Duplicitous Discourse and the Entropy of Structure. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1990. viii, 127 pp. Cloth and paper.
30. Malcolm K. Read: Visions in Exile: The Body in Spanish Literature and Linguistics: 1500-1800. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1990. xii, 211 pp. Cloth and paper.
31. María Alicia Amadei-Pulice: Calderón y el Barroco: exaltación y engaño de los sentidos. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1990. xii, 258 pp. 33 ills. Cloth and paper.
32. Lou Charnon-Deutsch: Gender and Representation: Women in Spanish Realist Fiction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1990. xiv, 205 pp. 6 ills. Cloth and paper.
33. Thierry Boucquey: Mirages de la farce: Fête des fous, Bruegel et Molière. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1991. xviii, 145 pp. 9 ills. Cloth and paper.
34. Elzbieta Sklodowska: La parodia en la nueva novela hispanoamericana (1960-1985). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1991. xx, 219 pp. Cloth and paper.
35. Julie Candler Hayes: Identity and Ideology: Diderot, Sade, and the Serious Genre. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1991. xiv, 186 pp. Cloth and paper.
36. Aimée Israel-Pelletier: Flaubert’s Straight and Suspect Saints: The Unity of “Trois contes.” Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1991. xii, 165 pp. Cloth and paper.
37. Susan Petit: Michel Tournier’s Metaphysical Fictions. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1991. xvi, 224 pp. Cloth and paper.
38. Maria Cristina Quintero: Poetry as Play: “Gongorismo” and the “Comedia.” Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1991. xviii, 260 pp. Cloth and paper.
39. Michael Vincent: Figures of the Text: Reading and Writing (in) La Fontaine. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1992. xiv, 154 pp. Cloth and paper.
40. Candelas Newton: Lorca, una escritura en trance: “Libro de poemas” y “Diván del Tamarit.” Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1992. x, 249 pp. Cloth and paper.
41. Oscar Rivera-Rodas: El metateatro y la dramática de Vargas Llosa: hacia una poética del espectador. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1992. viii, 213 pp. Cloth and paper.
42. Marie-Pierre Le Hir: Le Romantisme aux enchères: Ducange, Pixerécourt, Hugo. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1992. x, 225 pp. Cloth and paper.
Last updated: November 5, 2012.
For questions about the content of these pages, contact the production editor at psrl@purdue.edu