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50/50 Lecture Series

PSRL and Purdue University Press joined in celebration this year with two 50/50 lectures commemorating PSRL’s 50-volume collaboration with Purdue University Press and the Press’s 50-year anniversary. Refreshments and conversation were available after each lecture.

4-color bar smallSarah Gordon
“Mind Your Medieval Table Manners”

Thursday, March 31, 2011, 4:30 PM, SC G040

Sarah Gordon, Utah State University, explored medieval table manners in literature and French food culture. As she spoke, we could often see where our modern-day table manners came from. Not speaking at table was considered a severe breach of etiquette. Drawings in old manuscripts of the medieval table show people with their arms in the air, which is explained as a sign that they were talking.

Professor Gordon is the author of PSRL Vol. ?37, Culinary Comedy in Medieval French Literature. She has taught at the Sorbonne and was a restaurant critic in Paris. Her publications focus on medieval literature.

4-color bar smallRichard Gordon
“Cinema, Slavery, and Brazilian Nationalism”

Friday, April 8, 2011, 4:30 PM, SC G039

Richard Gordon, Ohio State University, addressed the intersections of cinema, slavery, and nationalism in Brazil. To illustrate his talk, he showed a series of film clips of Brazilian movies. Characters in the films endured discrimination and demonstrated the effect this had on their sense of loyalty to the Brazilian nation.

Professor Gordon is the author of PSRL Vol. 45, Cannibalizing the Colony: Cinematic Adaptations of Colonial Literature in Mexico and Brazil. He works in the areas of Hispanic and Portuguese-language literatures and cultures, film studies, and comparative studies, as well as colonial and post-colonial studies.

4-color bar smallDaniela Flesler
“Performing the Past: Jewish and Muslim Spain in the Twenty-First Century”

Thursday, March 1, 2012, 4:30 PM, SC G039

Daniela Flesler, State University of New York—Stony Brook, spoke on accomodations in Spain today to its Muslim and Jewish past. Her talk was illustrated with numerous slides showing the festivals of Christians and Moors and a reconstruction of a Jewish quarter and the festival staged by modern-day residents of the town.

Professor Flesler is the author of PSRL Vol. 43, The Return of the Moor: Spanish Responses to Contemporary Moroccan Immigration. She specializes in contemporary Spanish literary and cultural studies, with a focus on transnationalism, immigration, and the construction of national identities. She has published essays in Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Studies in
Hispanic Cinemas, Dieciocho,
and Bulletin of Spanish Studies.

4-color bar small“Recent Approaches on Emilia Pardo Bazán's Critical Works”
A PSRL Panel Discussion
Thursday, April 11, 2013 4:30 PM BRNG 2280

Maryellen Bieder (Indiana University), Lou Charnon-Deutsch (SUNY Stony Brook), and Carmen Pereira-Muro (Texas Tech University) will discuss issues suggested by the recent book Género, nación y literatura: Emilia Pardo Bazán en la literatura gallega y española (Gender, Nation, and Literature: The Critical Reception of Emilia Pardo Bazán in Galician and Spanish Literature) by Carmen Pereira-Muro, PSRL Vol. 56. The Moderator for the event will be Iñigo Sánchez-Llama (Purdue University), PSRL series editor and editor for Spanish.

The event will be conducted in English. It is free and open to the public.

4-color bar small“Reframing Italy:
New Trends in Italian Women’s Filmmaking”

A PSRL Book Presentation by co-author Bernadette Luciano

Presentation, Thursday, April 24, 2014, 2:00 PM, IU Cinema, Bloomington, IN
Reception 9:15, Faculty Room of the University Club, IU, Bloomington, Indiana

You are invited to a book presentation of Reframing Italy: New Trends in Italian Women's Filmmaking (PSRL 59, Purdue University Press, 2013), by Bernadette Luciano, University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Susanna Scarparo, Monash University, Australia. Co-author Bernadette Luciano will discuss the book and the issues it raises. Moderator: Elena Coda, PSRL Editor for Italian, Purdue University

The event is co-sponsored by PSRL and the French and Italian Department at Indiana University. It forms part of the Fifth Annual Indiana University Film Symposium. It will be conducted in English.

Robert NewcombNEW four-color bars representing covers
“Iberianism’s Lessons: Bridging Past and Future in Iberian Studies”

Thursday, March 26, 2015, 4:30 PM, SC 102

Robert Patrick Newcomb is Associate Professor of Luso-Brazilian Studies at the University of California, Davis. His research focuses on comparative approaches to the literatures of the Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking worlds, on Iberian studies, and on essayists and public intellectuals. Newcomb's first book, Nossa and Nuestra América: Inter-American Dialogues, was published in 2011 by PSRL. He is currently completing his second book, Iberianism and Crisis in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Spain and Portugal. His translation of Alfredo Bosi’s Brazil and the Dialectic of Colonization, is forthcoming from University of Illinois Press.

The event will be conducted in English. It is free and open to the public.

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Book display at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference 2011

Paul Dixon, guest, and speaker Sarah Gordon

Richard Gordon

Speaker Richard Gordon


Reception in Staaks Lounge



Flesler Poster

Poster and publicity materials for the Flesler talk.

Flesler Reception

Reception for Daniela Flesler in Staaks lounge.





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Newcomb reception 1