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Civic Life: Engage, Learn, Grow

Political Science at Purdue is a great place to make connections and build a strong foundation in civic life through coursework, events, clubs, and internships. Our major, minor, and certificate programs prepare students for a range of high-impact careers in public and private sectors. Degree+ allows students in other Purdue academic units to earn a degree in Political Science to expand their academic and professional opportunities. 


Coursework to foster civic engagement

Courses in American and state government offer engaging overviews of the institutions at the heart of civic life in the United States.

  • POL 101 Intro to American Politics
  • POL 314 President & the Policy Process
  • POL 326 Black Political Participation in America
  • POL 360 Woman & the Law
  • POL 372 Indiana Politics
  • POL 373 Campaigns & Elections
  • POL 410 Political Parties & Politics
  • POL 411 Congress
  • POL 461 Constitutional Law I
  • POL 462 Constitutional Law II
  • POL 515 U.S. Politics & the Media

We offer courses in the College of Liberal Arts Cornerstone program, such as SCLA 200: Constitutional Law, where students learn how the forces of technology, economics, and politics affect the development of the U.S. Constitution.


Internships, research, and honors society

Internships are a great way to learn first-hand how government works. We offer internships in the Indiana Legislature each spring semester. Other internship opportunities, for credit and not for credit, are also available.

Student have the opportunity to work with faculty on independent research projects. For example, in the Fall 2019 semester, students will work on research that uses text as data to examine whether there has been a change in the tone of Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings over the course of the past 50 years, and whether the tone of the coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court differs between the mainstream press and the ethnic press. Students can also participate in the Wilke Undergraduate Research Internship, where students receive financial support to conduct their research projects. 

Political Science participates in the Data Mine Learning Community, where students learn about intersections between government, ethics, and data science. Students participating in the data mine work with applied survey research. In the Fall 2019 semester they will conduct a survey on political attitudes of the presidential nominating process.

We are home to Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Honors society. The award-wining Purdue chapter plans events to engage the student bodyfor example, election and debate watch parties and workshops on best practices in research.