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Maren Billy

Theatre Design and Production

The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey

How has your internship helped build skills and clarify your career goals?

Every day I learn something new. Every day presents new challenges and things to think about. The more experiences you can get the better you become. I feel ready to tackle any show after what I have learned.

What is the a typical day like as an intern, any challenging or exciting aspects?

Every day is completely different. The early days of my internship were spent in a rehearsal room for a set number of hours writing blocking, making paperwork, and participating in actor hospitality. Now as our show opens for its 41 scheduled performances a day included rehearsal for one new show in the morning and prepping for the main stage show in the afternoon into the night. A typical show night includes getting to the space an hour early and setting the stage. Then the show begins, and we cue actors, set props, and help move furniture. After the show is over we clean and reset everything for the next day!

The thing that surprised me the most would probably be running a show on an outdoor stage. I’ve never done outdoor theatre and it is very hard. Everything is dependent on the weather if it rains we have to hold and it it is too hot out its unsafe for the actors to perform. Weather adds a new layer to a show I’ve never experienced.