Employee complaints may focus on issues of harassment. Purdue's Anti-Harassment Policy (III.C.1) contains the official definition of and policy on harassment. A related document is “Procedures for Resolving Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment.” The policy defines racial, sexual, and other forms of harassment, and the procedures describe how complaints are handled. Coverage extends to all employees and students.
As a department head, you may receive complaints of sexual harassment if faculty or staff members in your department are involved. Please note that these complaints are to be given serious consideration. The courts have clearly ruled that supervisors who are informed about acts of sexual harassment and do not act to alleviate the problem are professionally and personally liable for damages. If you have questions or concerns about how to investigate such a complaint, there are individuals on campus who may advise you. Contact either Associate Dean Hong within the college, or Title IX coordinator, Erin Oliver.
A unique service provided by the College of Liberal Arts is the Sexual Harassment Advisors Network (SHAN), a group of nine faculty and staff members in the college who play an informal role in handling concerns about sexual harassment. Individuals who believe they have been victims of sexual harassment may contact a member of the network who will listen to their concerns and provide information about options available to them. Network members are also available to give presentations on the network and sexual harassment. For additional information, contact Associate Dean Hong, who serves as a liaison between the dean’s office and the network.
The University's Policy on Amorous Relationships (III.A.1) went into effect on January 1, 2009. Purdue prohibits an amorous relationship between a student and any Purdue employee who has an educational responsibility for the student. Also prohibited are amorous relationships between supervisors and their subordinates. Violations of the policy will result in disciplinary action. If you have questions about this policy, contact Associate Dean Hong.