Graduate Program Open House
MidPhon 28
We successfully organized and hosted the 28th Midcontinental Phonetics and Phonology Conference at Purdue University on October 20-21, 2023. MidPhon 28 is an annual meeting that brings together phonetics and phonology researchers from the Midwestern region of the United States. You can find more information here.
Purdue Linguistics Symposium 2020
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
3-4 April, 2020
The Department of Linguistics at Purdue University is holding its annual conference on linguistics called Purdue Linguistics Symposium (PLS) 2020. We invite scholars working within all theoretical and applied areas of linguistics to submit their research and join us at PLS 2020. Topics include, but are not limited to: syntax, semantics, syntax-semantics interface, phonetics, phonology, morphology,pragmatics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, sign language, and corpus linguistics.
We are pleased to have the following plenary speakers:
Dr. Rex A. Sprouse from Indiana University, Bloomington. Dr. Sprouse researches Second Language Acquisition, Structure and History of the Languages of Western Europe, Syntactic Theory, and Language Contact.
Dr. Daniel Olson from Purdue University. Dr. Olson researches Phonetics and Phonology; Prosody, Intonation, and Suprasegmental Phonetics; Psycholinguistics; Second Language Acquisition; Bilingualism
Those interested in submitting abstracts can find more information here: http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/PLS2020
Formatting Guidelines: Abstracts should be limited to 500 words (excluding title and references) and should fit on a single page, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. An additional page containing references, tables, figures, or examples may also be included. Abstracts must not contain any identifying information.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: December 15th, 2019
Author notifications: January 15th, 2020
Registration deadline: March 1st, 2020
For more information please email the following address: purduelinguisticssymposium@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook at: Purdue Linguistics Symposium 2020: Language in Action
Past News and Events
Elaine Francis' class on invented languages featured in THiNK Magazine
Three Hispanic Linguistics faculty featured in THiNK Magazine
Press release - Ph.D. student Mengxi Lin's research
Dr. Ronnie Wilbur won the 2014 Helen B. Schleman Gold Medallion for contributions to advancing women's issues at Purdue.
Press release - Dr. Amanda Seidl's research.
Sundquist receives Murphy Award
Linguistic Inequality and Sociolinguistic Justice in Campus Life
"Language Mixing from a Computational Perspective," by Dr. Bullock and Dr. Toribio
"Restoring Silent Voices: Revitalizing Native American Languages" by Wilhelm Meya
"Speech Perception and Early Word Learning: Multisensory Foundations" by Janet Werker