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Katelyn Market

katelyn market

Job-Ready Intern

Katelyn Market

Public Relations and Strategic Communication

Indiana University Health Arnett Hospital

What was the most exciting thing about your role? 

The most exciting thing about my role as an intern for IU Health Arnett was knowing that the work I was doing was actually going to be implemented and was valued. There is nothing more rewarding than being trusted with a piece of work that the public is going to see with your company’s logo on it. 

Describe your typical day as an intern. 

As an intern for IU Health Arnett, my days varied. Some days I spent writing press releases, flyers and editorials. Others were spent creating social media content and scheduling. I also helped prepare materials for several of our community benefit events, assisted with video interviews and was in charge of Walking Group every Monday morning. 

How did you apply your Liberal Arts-skills to your internship position?

I was able to apply my writing skills, AP Style, press release format, editorial writing and public speaking skills to my internship. 

How has your internship prepared you for your career? 

My internship allowed me to find my dream job – to do marketing for service lines for hospitals. Through the material I created, the meetings I got to sit in on and the knowledge that I gained, I know that I will be able to apply it all to my future career.