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University Travel Policies

“Purdue University General Travel Policies” is the substance of Executive Memorandum B-33.  Generally stated, Purdue will reimburse faculty and staff for travel related to University business or for travel in association with activities determined to be of value to the University.  Purdue’s program of reimbursement for University-related travel is in accordance with travel policies developed by the Indiana State Budget Agency.  These regulations have been modified to facilitate travel by University employees.  In addition to University travel policies, departments may develop their own internal regulations regarding reimbursement for travel by faculty and administrative staff.  These internal policies may not be in conflict with University policies and procedures.

Purdue travel process has transformed into an electronic booking and expense system, called Concur.

Responsibility for completing travel forms rests with the individual traveling.  Questions about travel policies should be directed to departmental business managers.  For detailed information about reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses, see your departmental business manager.