Eamon Duede
Assistant Professor
// Philosophy
Joint Appointment // Argonne National Laboratory
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Eamon Duede is an epistemologist of science focusing on three streams of research. His theoretical work in the philosophy of science focuses on the epistemology of emerging technologies, principally artificial intelligence (AI). His empirical work investigates and evaluates roles and capabilities of AI in enhancing the effectiveness and scalability of innovative, data-driven, and algorithm-assisted operational frameworks for scientific discovery. Eamon is also concerned with the dynamics of discovery across disciplines, geographic space, and time. Here, he uses the computational techniques of ‘data science’ to study the flow of knowledge and influence between communities of experts and other audiences, and studies how these can be catalyzed or stymied by institutional and technological factors.
Before joining Purdue, Eamon was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, affiliated with the Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard Business School and the Embedded EthiCS program in the Philosophy and Computer Science departments. He earned a joint Ph.D. in Philosophy and Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science from the University of Chicago, where he was also an NSF-funded Fellow at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering.
Philosophy of AI, Philosophy of Science, Computational Social Science, Epistemology & Metaphysics