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David Johnson

David Johnson

Curriculum vitae

View CV

Office and Contact

Room: GRIS 290, BRNG 2216B


Phone: (765) 494-7122

Assistant Professor of Political Science and Industrial Engineering

Ph.D., Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School, 2013
MASt, Mathematics, University of Cambridge (UK), 2005
B.S., Mathematics, North Carolina State University, 2003



Public Policy
Environmental Politics


Research Summary

Dr. Johnson’s work relates to the development of simulation models, economic analysis, and decision support tools to improve environmental policy and adaptation to climate change. He emphasizes uncertainty analysis and the assessment of tradeoffs between competing objectives. He is the lead developer of the flood risk model used to evaluate flood protection systems for Louisiana’s 50-year, $50 billion Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast. He also studies topics such as the potential for bioenergy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water scarcity management, and the long-run sustainability of agricultural practices.