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Daniel Conner

Daniel Conner

Assistant Professor // Classics // SLC

Assistant Teaching Professor // Cornerstone

Research focus:
Latin Literature

Office and Contact

Room: SC 103

Office hours: Spring 2019: M 12:30-1:30 pm; TH 10:30-11:30 am.


Daniel Conner is an assistant teaching professor in Classics and faculty fellow in the Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts program.

Conner completed a Ph.D. and M.A. in Classics at the University of Washington and received a B.A. from Willamette University in Classical Studies. He also completed a classical seminar in Rome through the University of Washington Rome Center in 2016.

He received a Presidential Fellowship through the University of Washington Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program (2013-18), the Phillip and Estelle DeLacy Fellowship for Classical Seminar in Rome (2016), and the Graduate Recognition Award from the Phillip and Estelle DeLacy Endowed Fellowship Fund (2015).

Conner’s research interests include Imperial Literature, Latin epic (specifically the work of Silius Italicus), Neoteric poetry, and Neo-Latin poetry. He has presented at the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest and the Classical Association of the Midwest and South.