Audrey Schultz
Bread & Butter

How has your internship helped build skills and clarify your career goals?
My internship allowed me an up-close look at a public relations agency and how its many employees and departments operate. After completing this internship, I have a clearer idea of the career path I wish to pursue. I learned how to operate in a fast-paced environment when others expect high quality work in a timely manner. I worked to promote large restaurant corporations in Los Angeles and helped to create media lists for various pitches. My overall understanding of public relations has greatly improved.
How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills in your internship?
I believe that the classes I have taken in Liberal Arts have provided me with skill sets that I would have never thought to improve upon. Philosophy of Religion taught me how to react to different opinions and work well with others - both of which I used at Bread & Butter. The course Health Communication Campaigns gave me the foundation I needed to understand the purpose of my company and the various ways in which they might promote their clients.
Describe your typical day as an intern.
When I arrived to the office I usually went straight to my desk to check my emails and look for any press releases on Bread & Butter’s clients. I then checked my projects document to see what tasks needed to be completed for the day/week. I had a wide variety of projects from creating an audit on the Michelin Guide’s Return to Southern California, to creating a VIP list for a restaurant’s opening, to creating a simple media list for a pitch on desserts for the 4th of July. I was able to join on calls with clients every week to hear how different matters were communicated with them.
What was the most challenging aspect of your internship?
The most challenging part of my internship was finding new outlet leads when media and VIP lists needed to be longer and information wasn't readily available on the software I was using. It took a lot of research to find various contacts and their information.
What was the most exciting thing about your role?
The most exciting part of my role was sitting in on calls with clients and creating the recaps of those meetings. I really enjoyed watching how my coworkers responded to the clients' confusion and frustration. I also really loved brainstorming sessions with the office because anyone can throw out a random idea and everything branches off from that until we found the solution.
What surprised you most about your internship?
The thing that surprised me the most about my internship was how different public relations was than my perception of it. I did not realize how closely PR companies worked with media outlets and even freelance writers. It was very interesting to see how the process of promoting a story works.
Describe the most meaningful experience you had as an intern.
The most meaningful experience I had as an intern was talking to Meredith Vachon, the Chief Culture Officer and Co-Founder at Bread & Butter. She shared her experiences right out of school and how they lead her to start the company. She gave me really valuable advice regarding my career pursuits that I will always take with me.
How did you learn about your internship?
I worked at a sandwich shop called Locali during the summer of 2018 in Los Angeles. Bread & Butter did public relations work for Locali at the time. One day, employees from Bread & Butter came in and I introduced myself and told them I was studying public relations at Purdue. They gave me a business card and I applied less than a year later for the internship position.
Did you meet with the Liberal Arts Career Center prior to applying for this internship? What kind of assistance did you receive?
Yes! I love the Liberal Arts Career Center. I worked on improving my resume with Mr. Mullis and he gave me so many tips and tools! I applied for the internship after he encouraged me how important networking was in gaining opportunities like that.