Cindy Kuhn

BA 1981, Communication
Vice President of Marketing, ComPsych Corporation
Cindy Kuhn is the Vice President of Marketing at ComPsych. Her areas of responsibility include corporate marketing and branding, sales support, product marketing, public relations and external communications.
ComPsych is the world’s largest provider of employee assistance programs (EAPs) and is the leading provider of full integrated EAP, behavioral health, wellness, worklife, crisis intervention services and HR and FMLA administrative services. ComPsych provides services to more than 13,000 organizations covering 33 million individuals throughout the U.S. and more than 100 countries.
Cindy Kuhn was the Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communication Services at SmithBucklin Corp. where her job included positioning and branding strategy, convention and event marketing, member/industry publications, member retention and recruitment programs, media relations, market research and statistics, and visual design for all types of volunteer-governed organizations.
Prior to joining SmithBucklin, Cindy was a senior vice president at Ketchum Public Relations, where she directed the firm's brand marketing practice group in Chicago. Her responsibilities included account management, strategic planning and counsel for such high-profile clients as Miller Brewing, Wendy's International, Kraft Foods, Borden, Quaker Oats, Buell Motorcycle Company (a division of Harley-Davidson), Encyclopedia Britannica, Oscar Mayer, Jockey International and General Mills.
Before joining Ketchum in 1993, Cindy managed marketing communications and influencer marketing for The Quaker Oats Company's largest brand—Gatorade Thirst Quencher. In that role, she managed the integration of public relations into consumer and sports marketing plans, developed innovative marketing communications programs, served as the brand's media spokesperson and provided ongoing counsel on media issues to senior brand management.
Previously, Cindy served on the McDonald's national account staff at Golin/Harris Communications. Her award-winning work for McDonald's included development and management of public affairs and community relations programs, sports marketing events, ethnic public relations efforts, and support of product and marketing promotions.
Cindy comes from a long line of proud Boilermakers, many of whom graduated from the College of Agriculture. She had two grandfathers, father, brother, cousins who attended Purdue. Her father’s fraternity, Alpha Gamma Rho, established a scholarship in his name (Bernard Harris) that is directed to seniors that are still living at the fraternity. He believed in mentoring and showing underclassmen how to become role models. Many of her family members still live in the Greater Lafayette area, including her mother who is in West Lafayette.