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Anthropology Department


ANTH 10000 - Introduction To Anthropology
A general introduction to anthropology's holistic approach to human nature and behavior. A basic survey of biocultural developmental and evolutionary processes, and human uniformity and diversity through time and across space.
ANTH 10500 - Cultural Anthropology
A survey of the principles underlying variations in human culture and behavior. Emphasis is on culture as an adaptive mechanism and on how societies function. Topics include technology, social organization, economy, politics, ideology, and language.
ANTH 20300 - Biological Bases Of Human Social Behavior
This course is an introduction to human social behavior from the perspective of biological anthropology, with special emphasis on human evolution and non-human primates. Topics include aggression, communication, learning, maturation, sexuality, and the evolution of social systems.
ANTH 20400 - Introduction To Human Evolution
An outline of human evolution. Relates changing human physical characteristics with evolving social and cultural adaptations. The relationships of humans to other primates are explored within an evolutionary framework. Documents transformation of human culture over the last two million years.
ANTH 41400 - Introduction To Language And Culture
An exploration into the nature of human communication, particularly the structures, functions, and substance of human language. Focus is on the interpenetration of language, culture and cognition, on the evolution of language and speech, and on their uses in everyday life.
ANTH 43500 - Primate Evolution
This course considers both living and fossil primate forms. Special emphasis is placed on primate skeletal and dental morphology, ecological adaptations, the brain and other neurological systems, and social behavior.
ANTH 43600 - Human Evolution
This class examines the fossil evidence for human evolution and theories proposed to explain the development that led from the origin of primates to modern humans. This course will include lectures, exercises with fossil casts, presentation, and discussions.
ANTH 51400 - Anthropological Linguistics
This class examines the fossil evidence for human evolution and theories proposed to explain the development that led from the origin of primates to modern humans. This course will include lectures, exercises with fossil casts, presentation, and discussions.
ANTH 53500 - Foundations Of Biological Anthropology
Covers such topics as history of evolutionary thought; genetics, race, and human variation; fossils and paleoanthropology, evolutionary principles, ecology, and speciation; primate behavior; and theories on the social behavior of early humans.
ANTH 53700 - Paleoanthropology
Detailed survey of evolution of humankind, beginning with the earliest known hominids through modern Homo sapiens. Theoretical perspectives on human origins, relationship between biology and behavior, and the ongoing nature of evolution in the recent past.
ANTH 54100 - Psychological Anthropology
Traces theoretical and methodological development of psychological anthropology from nineteenth-century beginnings to current research. Topics include: the relationship of childrearing practices to cultural forms; psychological aspects of myth and folklore; the structure of cognition; the interaction of culture and identity.