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The 4-day WAC 24 conference will feature papers, talks, demos, workshops, installations, and concert works as shown below (please note that the schedule may slightly change).
Keynote Speaker
As a musician and engineer, Dr. Hongchan Choi has been pushing the boundaries of the open web platform for music technology. From 2010 to 2014, he conducted his doctoral research at CCRMA, Stanford University under the supervision of Jonathan Berger, Chris Chafe, and Ge Wang. After finishing his doctoral thesis, “Collaborative Musicking on the Web,” he joined Google Chrome in 2014. There, he currently leads various projects as a Tech Lead and Manager. Outside of Google, Hongchan also serves as a co-chair of the W3C Audio Working Group, a collaborative effort of multiple industry professionals to design advanced audio capabilities for the web. He also maintains his academic ties as an Adjunct Professor at CCRMA since 2022.

Conference Spaces and Places
The conference will be held at Hansen TheaterMallet Theater, Hiler Theater, Pao Hall, and the Purdue Airport all located on the Purdue University campus.  
hansen theaterHansen Theater @ Pao Hall
Mallet Theater @ Pao Hall 
Purdue Airport Hangar