Sharing some good news - an op-ed written by Dr. Nadia Brown & Bry Reed (first year American Studies PhD student) was published in the Washington Post on Thursday. click here
Brown moderates gubernatorial debate
Associate Professor of Political Science and African American Studies Brown served as moderator for the Oct. 27 Indiana gubernatorial debate. She discussed her moderating experience with The Exponent. Beyond the debate, Brown was quoted in an Associated Press story about the issues of structural racism that elected officials face. She also wrote a column for The Grio about the work and political activism of Black women that helped propel Kamala Harris to the vice presidency
Implications of the Breonna Taylor case
In a Louisville Courier-Journal story, Associate Professor of Political Science Valeria Sinclair-Chapman talked about the shooting death of Breonna Taylor, how it impacts the Black community, and how decisions related to the case might affect the political future of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron.
What new app means for Black women
Marlo David, associate professor of African American studies, English, and women’s gender, and sexuality studies, discussed what a new app might mean for the Black community. The app, Exhale, targets Black women’s stressors and bills itself as the first well-being app designed for Black women by Black women. Indiana Business Journal
- Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris continue to deflect when asked if they would try to add more justices to the Supreme Court. Nadia Brown, an associate professor of political science and African American studies, talks about the pattern of deflection.
ABC News Link: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-dodges-court-packing-questions-scotus-nomination-moves/story?id=73523933
As tens of thousands gathered for the March on Washington, Indiana residents watched and talked about the right to vote. Nadia Brown, an associate professor of political science and African American studies, talks about the march and the importance of voting. This had 366 media placements.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Link: https://www.post-gazette.com/news/nation/2020/08/29/How-dare-we-not-vote-Black-voters-organize-after-DC-march/stories/202008290064
FEATURING JOY ANN REID, Monday January 27th at 5:00 pm in Fowler Hall Stewart Center.
Purdue Faculty Address White Supremacy and Racism at Teach-In
On Tuesday, October 3, 2018, four Purdue scholars gathered to provide their insights on the events leading up to and following the violence in Charlottesville. The event, entitled “After Charlottesville: Confronting Racism in America,” was inspired by the day of brutal confrontations occurring in the Virginia city during the weekend of August 11. As the nation watched, white nationalist groups incited altercations with anti-racist counter-protestors, which resulted the deaths of three people. In the subsequent weeks, the nation has grappled with the rising voice and visibility of hate groups. Therefore, the Teach-In was designed to bring the Purdue community together to shed light on what happened, why it happened, what can be done to prevent it in the future.
Prof. David Atkinson, an associate professor of history and a specialist in white supremacist movements, provided background on contemporary white nationalism and its use of social media for recruitment. Prof. Carrie Janney, professor of history and a Civil War historian, debunked the myths associated with Confederate history and talked about the significance of Confederate monuments in white nationalist movements. Dr. Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, director of Purdue’s Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion and associate professor of political science, showed how racist symbols function in various political contexts. Dr. Ronald J. Stephens, professor of African American Studies and scholar-activist specializing in the history of Black Power movements in the U.S., theorized a new way to interpret white supremacy in the post-Obama moment.
Each panelist gave an engaged presentation that promoted interest and dialogue among the nearly 200 audience members. To encourage further dialogue, a follow-up event is planned for later this fall.
Dr. Khabeer participated in an online forum called “Islamon Trial” the forum was published in the Boston Review. Her response focuses on the
double burden of being Black and Muslim vis-a-vis the national security state. See link below:
Dr. Kim Gallon, assistant professor of history and African-American Studies, received the Jon C. Teaford Award for Teaching Excellence. Kim's work in the history department specializes in African diaspora, gender, sexuality, and journalism history. She is the founder and director of the Black Press Research Collective and an ongoing visiting scholar at the Center for Africana Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Kim's work has been published in History Compass, Journalism History, Transformations, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.
Congratulations Dr. Nadia Brown on your promotion to Associate Professor.
Congratulations Dr. Marlo David on your promotion to Associate Professor. And your new publication Mama's Gun.
Ferguson Teach in Part II
Ferguson Teach In part II see J&C comments on the event below.
Post-Ferguson teach-in draws 30 at Purdue
The crowd at the Ferguson Teach In, sponsored by African American Studies and Diversity Resource Office
Idlewild: The rise and decline of an American resort town- Dr. Ronald Stephens
Alain Locke Buried
Alain Locke Buried - Leonard Harris attends
Hanna Kids
Hanna kids get hands on experience with Math and Science.
NCBS Engagement Grant: Summer Camp
Please see the link below for a story about the summer camp organized by Dr. Bynum and Tamecia Jones. The project was funded by a CLA engagement grant, NCBS engagement grant, the office of the Vice Provost for Diversity and the Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion.
African American Studies News
African American Studies & Research Centers faculty in the news!
African American Studies at Purdue University mourns the passing of a great author, Dr. Maya Angelou.
see interview clip below with Dr. Venetria K. Patton
Dr. Venetria K. Patton promoted to Professor of English and African American Studies
Nadia E. Brown, assistant professor in political science and African American Studies at Purdue University is the author of "Sisters in the Statehouse: Black Women and Legislative Decision Marking"
click here for more information.
Dr. Venetria K. Patton to speak at UNL, click link below
Think Magazine featured an article on African American Studies/Black Cultural Center's trip to Ghana see link below
Professor and Author Dr. Nadia E. Brown to Headline SJC’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Program
African American Studies and Research Center congratulates Dr. Leonard Harris
Professor Leonard Harris will receive the 2014 Frantz Fanon Life-Time Achievement Award at the June meeting of the Caribbean Philosophical Association. He will receive his award at a special session devoted to the winners’ work. His work was described as follows by Jane Anna Gordon, President of the Caribbean Philosophical Association:
“Philosophy Born of Struggle is the precursor to what the Caribbean Philosophical Association has built on. It made the clear case that in addition to doing important work, it is important to build institutions that will nurture it. Professor Harris is a pioneer and consistent leader in that regard.”
Many of us in the organization also remember the important contributions you made at the Caribbean Philosophical Association conference in Guadeloupe in 2008 and the important work you have done with UNESCO for the building of a genuine African Diasporic philosophy. The committee also spoke of your work on insurrectionist ethics, your critical challenges to American philosophy, and the important mentoring of young scholars offered over the years. Africana philosophy (all fields), Caribbean thought, Latin American philosophy, and cross-racial work in feminist philosophy would not be what they are without the important foundations you set for their development.
Dr. Venetria K. Patton to speak at Lock Haven University
The event will be on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hamblin Hall of Flags on LHU campus, the event is free and open to the public.
Dr. Su’ad Khabeer in The New York Times: click link below
Dr. Su’ad Khabeer on AlJazeera’s show, The Stream: click link below
Dr. Venetria K. Patton in BuzzFeed: click link below
Dr. Su'ad Khabeer will join African American Studies with a joint appointment in Anthropology this fall. Welcome aboard Dr. Khabeer.
Dr. Cornelius Bynum new book A. Philip Randolph and the Struggle for Civil Rights was released December 2010. Dr. Bynum is an Associate profession in the Department of History at Purdue University.