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Latin American and Latino Studies Courses

Fall 2022

LALS 30100-001 (21184)  Hispanic Literature I
Instructor:  Inigo Sanchez-Llama

LALS 30300-001 (21185) Structural Spanish I
Instructor:  Daniel Olson

LALS 30300-002 (21186) Structural Spanish I
Instructor: Daniel Olson

LALS 40100-001 (21187)  Latin American Civilization
Instructor:  Song No

Spring 2022

LALS 250-001  Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies 
CRN: 16485
Crossed w/ SPAN 280 (27775)
T/TH  12:00-1:15
Instructor: Carina Olaru

LALS 401-001  Latina Feminisms
CRN: 28865
Crossed w/ WGSS 390 (28866)
T/TH  10:30-11:45
Instructor: Madelina Nunez

Fall 2021

LALS 30100-001  Hispanic Literature I
CRN: 21184
Crossed w/ SPAN 341 (13836)
M/W/F 1:30-2:20
Instructor:  Iñigo Sanchez-Llama

LALS 30300-001  Struture of Spanish I
CRN: 22185
Crossed w/ SPAN 361 (16616)
T/TH 12:00-1:15  Synchronous Online Learning
Instructor:  Daniel Olson

LALS 30300-002  Struture of Spanish I
CRN: 22186
Crossed w/ SPAN 361 (51245)
T/TH 10:30-11:45  Synchronous Online Learning
Instructor:  Daniel Olson

Spring 2021

LALS 250-001  Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies 
CRN: 27774
Crossed w/ SPAN 280 (27775)
T/TH  12:00-1:15
Synchronous Online Learning
Instructor: Alfred Lopez

LALS 401-001  Latin American Culture
CRN: 22328
Crossed w/ SPAN 483 (15400)
T/TH  1:30-2:45
Synchronous Online Learning
Instructor: Dawn Stinchcomb