Procedures for Introducing New Programs
If a department wishes to introduce a new graduate or undergraduate program in the college, a determination should first be made as to whether the program involves the granting of a degree that has not previously been offered (for example, a Masters of Music), or whether the program under consideration is one for which we have already received approval from the Indiana Commission of Higher Education (ICHE). Contact Associate Dean Joel Ebarb to discuss which programs need ICHE approval.
New Undergraduate Program
If a new undergraduate program is proposed for which the college has authorization to offer, it must be approved by the college curriculum committee and by the Liberal Arts Senate before implementation. The dean’s office needs to be informed of the proposal no later than when it is submitted to the curriculum committee. Questions about the procedure for approving new undergraduate programs should be directed to Associate Dean Joel Ebarb. If the college has not been authorized by the ICHE to offer a proposed undergraduate program, contact Dean Ebarb to discuss the process. It is parallel to the procedure described in the following paragraph for offering new graduate programs.
New Graduate Program
For a department to add a new graduate degree program, the graduate committee, the full faculty, and the department head must all recommend approval of the program. Following department approval, it is necessary to follow the procedures established by the dean of the Graduate School and the provost. Appropriate college/school and campus reviews are to be conducted and appropriate signatures obtained prior to submitting the final proposal to the dean of the Graduate School. New degrees and degree options require the approval of the Graduate Council, the Board of Trustees, and the ICHE. Ms. Tina Payne, graduate programs administrator in the Graduate School, can provide information on the process and proposal format as required by the ICHE. These guidelines are also listed in the Graduate School Policies and Procedures for Administering Graduate Student Programs manual.
Department and School Curriculum Decisions with University Wide Implications
Some of our CLA departments and schools are involved in establishing or revising policies that impact students not only in CLA but throughout the campus. In these instances, please contact Dean Reingold for his review and approval prior to implementation.