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Spring 2025 Course Offerings

CHNS 102---Chinese Level II         
(4 credits; MWF 9:30, 10:30 TTh 10:30-11:20)
A continuation of the study of elementary Mandarin. Students will complete study of basic syntactical patterns. Character recognition will be built to 500.

CHNS 202--- Chinese Level IV         Lijing Ye 
(4 credits; MWF 10:30-11:20 )
A continuation of the study of intermediate Mandarin. Development of enhanced oral narrative skills and listening comprehension skills through audio-visual supplements. Short exercises in expository composition. Character recognition built to 1,100-plus. Introduction to Chinese newspaper.

CHNS 280 --- Chinese  Civilization and Culture                      Ai-Jen Wann
(3 credits, TTh 1:30- 2:45)
Selected topics on Chinese civilization and culture including history and geography, Confucianism, contemporary China, education, family, international cultural and economic cooperation. Course materials also cover most current issues on and in Chinese-speaking communities. Lectures in English. 

CHNS 281--- Special Topics: Intro. to the Chinese Food Culture Part II             Ai-jen Wann 
Development of the cultural life of the French people as reflected in architecture, art, history, literature, music, and philosophy. Lectures in French.
Selected topics on Chinese food history, production, preparation, festivals, as well as food in literature, film, business, and folk beliefs. The discussion will also include civilization and food as cultural diplomacy. Lectures in English.

CHNS 285 --- Chinese Calligraphy                 Ai-Jenn Wann
Principles and techniques of writing Chinese characters. The aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy, its function as an art form, and its role in Chinese culture. Emphasis on training and practice in calligraphic writing. Conducted in English. 

CHNS 302 ---Chinese Level VI         Lijing Ye 
(3 credits;  MWF 1:30-2:20)
Continued development of Chinese speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities, using materials dealing primarily with everyday life and civilization from a variety of sources with stronger emphasis on authentic texts, e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, recent literature, etc. 

CHNS 330 --- Chinese Cinema
(3 credits)
This course surveys the development of the Chinese cinema from its beginning to the present. Films from the mainland as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong will be examined in-depth for their aesthetic quality and techniques, and equally important, against their socio-historical, political, economic and cultural contexts. The class is conducted in English. Films are all in Chinese with English subtitles.

CHNS 341--- Chinese Literature I: Traditional            Li Wei 
(3 credits; three hrs/week TTh 1:30-2:45pm)
Reading and discussion of selected classical Chinese texts from major writers and genres. Introduction to methods of literary criticism as applied to Chinese literature. Texts, discussion, and written assignments are largely in Chinese. 

CHNS 402--- Chinese Level VIII          Hongjian Wang Route
(3 credits; MWF 1:30-2:20)
Further development of Mandarin Chinese speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Materials will include advanced textbooks and original texts such as newspapers and literary works.


For more information, please contact Professor Wei Hong (SC 182; 43859; ); Professor Daniel Hsieh (SC161; ) Professor Hongjian Wang (SC 261;; Ai-jen Wann (SC 063; 66222;, Dr. Alice Wang (SC 063; 66222;

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