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Welcome Back from ICaP Director Bradley Dilger

January 05, 2023 Bradley Dilger

Dear ICaP instructors,vertical image with gold and black borders featuring a photo of hands writing in a notebook. text reads "welcome back, instructors! ICaP Spring 2023"

Welcome back to introductory composition for Spring 2023. I hope everyone had a good break. We have three emphases for the spring that I want to share with everyone. 

First, our attention to instructor professional development will continue from the fall semester. I plan to conduct observations of most if not all of our visiting instructors, and I am happy to consult with anyone who would like to talk about teaching writing, research, building, professional materials, etc.

The easiest way to do that informally is to come by our drop-in studio hours Mondays 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and Thursdays 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or email us at

Second, we encourage all ICaP instructors to encourage their students to share their work at undergraduate research day. Students who are conducting undergraduate research in their discipline can explore writing up their findings as part of 106 or 108. Many of you are already doing research posters, so it is not a challenge to integrate this into your curriculum. We will have a presentation at Convocation that speaks to this possibility. 

Finally, we want to hear and share your good news! This can be academic or otherwise, major or minor. We will be seeking ways to nominate ICaP instructors for awards this semester, and sharing your successes is one way to help us with that. 

I look forward to seeing you on Zoom at ICaP Convocation on Friday, 1/6 at 10:00 a.m.

Happy New Year,