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Happy Valentines Day from ICaP's Furry Friends

February 13, 2023 Staff

The pets of ICaP staff and instructors would like to wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

Four ways to enjoy:

  1. scroll down to see a sampling of the cuteness
  2. stop by the ICaP office in Heavilon 302 to pick up a valentine
  3. check out our bulletin board in the hallway outside the ICaP office
  4. view the PDF document of ALL of our Valentines

a dog lies down with their tongue hanging out of their mouth. Text reads "Valentine, I can be myself around you."

two cats lying down next to each other and looking to the right. text reads, "we noticed that you look like you give good ear scritches. Happy Valentine's Day."

A cat is lying down next to a toddler. Text reads, "You're my best bud. Happy Valentine's Day."

A dog has a skeptical or unsure look on its face. Text reads, "MFW someone who's not you asks me to be their Valentine"

A close-up photo of a cat with bright green eyes and long brown fur. Text reads, "You are F--ing magnificent. Happy Valentine's Day."

Two snails with brown shells and long antennae crawl across a galaxy background. Text reads, "roses are red, violets are blue, snails are cute, and so are you."

A photo of a bulletin board filled with printed valentines, including those featured above on this page.