Hongjian Wang Route
Promoted to Associate Professor
School of Languages and Culture
Hongjian Wang Route completed a Ph.D. and M.A, both in Comparative Literature, at the University of California, Riverside and a B.A. in British and American Literature at Nanjing University, P. R. China. She joined the Purdue faculty in 2014.
Wang is a scholar of comparative literature specializing in modern Chinese literature and culture. A literary comparatist and cultural historian by training, she approaches Chinese literature, cinema, theatre, and popular media since the early 20th century from comparative, interdisciplinary, and historical perspectives. Her publications share a central concern for the ever-changing dynamics among the state, the cultural elite, and the populace in modern China.
Wang has one monograph published in an esteemed series edited by one of the most prominent leaders in Sinophone studies, as well as five peer-reviewed essays.
She teaches Chinese language, modern Chinese literature, cinema, and theatre at the undergraduate and graduate levels. She has contributed to curriculum development in the Chinese and Asian Studies programs by creating new courses, redesigning old courses, and supporting the creation of a new major in Chinese Studies.
Wang engages with the Comparative Literature Program, advising and serving on the committees of doctoral students with a research focus on modern China.