Students on the Market
Reilly Kincaid
Ph.D. Expected: 2024
Dissertation Title: Income, Hours, or Enjoyment: How Gender, Social Class, and Children’s Ages Shape What ‘Good’ Parents are Expected to Prioritize
Dissertation Committee: Jeremy Reynolds (Chair); Trenton D. Mize, J. Jill Suitor, Christie Sennott
Research Interests: Social inequality, family, work, gender, social psychology, life course
Teaching Interests: Research methods, marriage and family, work and organizations, aging and the life course
Madison Sauerteig-Rolston
Ph.D. Expected: 2024
Dissertation Title: Life Course Context of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Disability
Dissertation Committee: Kenneth F. Ferraro (Chair), Shawn Bauldry, Elizabeth A. Richards, Patricia A. Thomas
Research Interests: Health and Aging, Life Course Inequality, Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, Medical Sociology, and Quantitative methods
Teaching Interests: Social Inequality, Introduction to Sociology, Medical Sociology, Aging and the Life Course, and Statistics for Social Research
Catherine Stepniak
Ph.D. Expected: 2024
Dissertation Title: Adult Children’s Serious Health Problems and the Impact on Mother-Child Relationships
Dissertation Committee: Dr. Jill Suitor (chair), Dr. Shawn Bauldry, Dr. Megan Gilligan, Dr. Christie Sennott
Research Interests: Intergenerational Relationships and Health; Caregiving; Aging and the Life Course
Teaching Interests: Medical Sociology; Aging and the Life Course; Sociology of Family; Sociological Theory
Callie Zaborenko
Ph.D. Expected: 2024
Dissertation Title: The Social and Health Consequences of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Adulthood
Dissertation Committee: Co-chair: Kenneth Ferraro, Co-chair: Trenton Mize, Members: Shawn Bauldry, Susan South, and Robbee Weedow
Research Interests: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Aging and the Life Course, Methodology
Teaching Interests: Statistics for the Social Sciences; Introduction to Sociology