Fall 2013
August 20 - September 6, 2013

QUARTET: Senih Cavusoglu | Umit Inatci | Petronio Bendito | Min Kim Park
Reception: Thursday, August 22, 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Faculty exchange exhibition featuring work by two faculty members from Eastern Mediterranean University in North Cyprus and two faculty members from Purdue University. The exhibition examines the peculiar possibilities of visual design and photography within broader multidisciplinary contexts and processes, while providing a platform to cultivate international academic and cultural exchanges. The exhibition includes work by artists Senih Cavusoglu and Umit Inatci from EMU, North Cyprus, and associate professor Petronio Bendito and assistant professor Min Kim Park from Purdue.
September 9 - 13, 2013
YOUNG CREATORS: Work by Emerging Mexican Photographers
Project Presentation: Wednesday, September 11, 1:00 pm
West Gallery
This exhibition brings together the work of emerging photographers that were awarded the Young Creators 2010-2011 art production grant by the National Fund for Culture and the Arts in Mexico. The works presented cover a wide range of topics, like memory, displacement, childhood, violence, and love, to name a few.
These photographic series are the result of rigorous work, providing several of the participants the opportunity to win different awards and participate in art biennials, magazine publications, and exhibitions, both nationally and internationally.
Work by Aarón Cadena Ovalle, Melba Arellano, Alejandro, Rivas, Isaac Contreras, Argelia Hernández Ortega, Roberto Molina Tondopó, Ramón Portales, Jesús Hernández, Karla Castillo, Alejandra Ugarte, Sergio Zúñiga is on display.
PLEASE JOIN US for a project presentation on Wednesday, September 11 at 1 pm in the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries, Pao Hall, West Gallery.
September 9 - 20, 2013

INDIANA'S HUMAN LANDSCAPES: An Exhibit on the Land and Landscape Architecture of Indiana
Project Presentation: Wednesday, September 11, 1:00 pm
East Gallery
A collection of images of landscapes throughout Indiana, exploring the intersection of people and landscape and encouraging visitors to understand more fully the human aspects of land and landscape architecture. The photographs and information of these landscapes will include an update of a 1971 exhibit to include a broader scope of projects, and to look at places designed and built over the past 40 years. This exhibition was organized by Malcolm D. Cairns, FASLA, and Sean Rotar, ASLA.
Exhibit sponsored and funded by:
Indiana Humanities
Indiana Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects
Ball State University College of Architecture and Planning
Purdue University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
September 16 - 27, 2013
Reception: Wednesday, September 18, 5:30 pm
West Gallery
"We, the members of PSNAEA, believe intuition and intellect are both essential ingredients for all artists. Often we forget that we have two brains: the one in our heads and the one in our stomachs. Visceral sensations influence decisions we make every day. As artists, we utilize these sensations from our second brain to make key decisions on our work, and, as teachers, in the classroom."
This exhibition features work by student members of the Purdue Student National Art Education Association (PSNAEA), including work by Brandi Tibbs, Lacey Lewis, Abby Holmquist, Taylor Vowels, Stephanie Modlin, Lindsey Howard, Nicole Schrensky, Andie Manges, Sara Furbush, Brittany Justice, Paige Allen, James Copeland, Bailey Landis, Taylor Thoman, Yue Zhao, and Miranda Herring.
Please join us on Wednesday, September 18th, at 5:30 pm for an exhibition reception.
September 30 - October 4, 2013
SELECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS: Between Vision and Perception
Gallery Talk: Thursday, October 3, noon
Reception: Friday, October 4, 5 - 7 pm
West Gallery
Intricate paintings by MFA candidate Jong-un Choi fill the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries: West Gallery. In Choi's Selective Consciousness series, space consists of binary parts: the reflected image realistically depicted, and the surrounding space of the reflected image shown in solid color. The consciousness of reflected surfaces represents the artist's engagement in the urban vistas where she currently lives and works. The physically reflected imagery indicates engagement of a specific perspective as she gazes, and therefore embodies illusion and internal perception.
Jong-un Choi will speak about her work on Thursday, October 3, at noon. An exhibition reception will be held on Friday, October 4, from 5 - 7 pm, in the Rueff Galleries. Both events are free and open to the public.
September 30 - October 24, 2013
Gallery Talk: Wednesday, October 2, noon
Reception: Friday, October 4, 5:00 pm
East Gallery
Recent paintings by Purdue professor Charles A. Gick are on display in the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries: East Gallery. This new experimental body of work is informed in part by Fra Angelico’s use of the fragmented figure as symbol and narrative in his 15th century frescoes that occupy the walls at the monastery of San Marco in Florence, Italy. This work is also inspired by Gick's love of running, the language of the road, and by the exploration of small towns throughout the local landscape.
Slow Children at Play hangs from a rusting post near the railroad tracks. The sign is from the not so distant past. The figure is indeed fragmented yet still holds its curvilinear articulation. A running silhouette conjures up notions of innocence, life, youth, energy, and the joy of human movement itself. The field of cracking yellow paint, rock chipped and scarred by bee bees and bullets, signals an awareness and poses questions to our own human nature and culture past – present – future.
Professor Gick was recently awarded an American Academy in Rome Fellowship for study and research in Rome. His work combines videos, photographs, paintings, earth, and objects of labor to create installations, hybrid paintings, and sculptures that explore the intersections between memory, the body, our emotions, and the sensory experiences we share with the natural environment. Charles Gick received his BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute, his MFA from Northwestern University, and is Professor of Art at Purdue University.
On Wednesday, October 2 at noon, Professor Gick will speak about his work as part of the 1st Wednesdays @ Noon arts series. On the first Wednesday of the month, the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts presents an artist lecture or performance, accompanied by a light lunch. For more information about 1st Wednesdays @ Noon or to RSVP for the lunch, please call 765-494-2787. Seating is limited. No RSVP is required to attend the talk, which will begin around 12:30 pm. 1st Wednesdays @ Noon is presented in association with Piano Solutions of Indianapolis and the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts.
An exhibition reception will be held on Friday, October 4, from 5 - 7 pm, in the Rueff Galleries.
October 16 - 25, 2013
OUR BEAUTY: The Transcendent Journey
An exhibition featuring THTR 363 Sound Design and Ethan Vail, lighting designer
Movement Performance and Reception: Friday, October 25, 2:30 - 3:20 pm
West Gallery
From the stories of cancer patients collected at "Carry the Torch" (the Community Cancer Network's fundraiser to support the community), and the iconic speech by Jimmy Valvano at the ESPY awards (the focus of this year's CCC Colloquium), one concept that has transcended all stories and journeys was how people defined beauty as experienced physically, psychologically, and spiritually. No matter how dehumanizing the cancer was, there was always a beautification that occurred that then provided hope. Rick Thomas' Sound Design Class took the stories and reacted to them emotionally through music. The class put together compositions that explored the journeys of several cancer survivors/patients, their family members, and some drew inspiration from personal experience. Ethan Vail, lighting designer, created an environment reflecting the transformative path many have walked. We invite you to have a seat and think through what your "beauty" is before, during, and after spending time in the gallery environment.
PLEASE JOIN US on Friday, October 25, 2:30 - 3:20 pm for a closing reception with movement performance by Rebecca Bryant's Improvisational Dance class.
October 28 - November 1, 2013
Literacy Labels: Emergent Literacy Application Design for Children with Autism
MFA exhibition by Nancy Rasche
Reception: Monday, October 28, 6:00 pm
Gallery Talk: Thursday, October 31, 12 pm
West Gallery
October 28 - November 8, 2013
Gallery Talk: Thursday, November 7, 3:30 pm
East Gallery
The Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries are pleased to bring you the work of Aldo Giorgini, former professor in the school of civil engineering at Purdue. This exhibition, curated by Purdue visiting assistant professor of computer graphics technology Esteban Garcia, provides a survey of the research and artwork created by Giorgini between the years of 1973 and 1982.
Working extensively as both artist and scientist, Aldo Giorgini was one of the first computer artists to combine software writing with early printing technologies. His innovative process consisted of producing pen-plotted drawings embellished by painting, drawing, photo, and screen-printing. In 1975, he developed a FORTRAN program called FIELDS, a numerical visual laboratory devoted entirely to art production.
The original work of Aldo Giorgini will be on display in the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries October 28 - November 8, 2013. The Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries are free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 10 am to 5 pm, and Thursday 10 am to 7 pm.
PLEASE JOIN US on Thursday, November 7, at 3:30 pm for a public lecture by exhibition curator Esteban Garcia, visiting assistant professor in computer graphics technology at Purdue.
November 11 - 15, 2013
Yvette Perullo // MFA EXHIBITION
Gallery Talk: Thursday, November 14, noon
Reception: Friday, November 15, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
West Gallery
This exhibition features design and research by Yvette Perullo, MFA candidate in visual communications design at Purdue. Here Today, Here Tomorrow? offers innovative solutions to incorporating sustainable practices into design work and design education.
Please join us on Thursday, November 14, at noon for an artist talk by Yvette Perullo. A reception is scheduled for Friday, November 15, 5 - 7 pm.
Ryan Gibboney // MFA EXHIBITION
Gallery Talk: Friday, November 15, 11:30 am
Reception: Friday, November 15, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
East Gallery
The work of MFA candidate Ryan Gibboney will be on display this week in the Rueff Galleries. Community as Client explores social design as a means of designing for good through community initiatives.
Please join us on Friday, November 15, for the gallery talk at 11:30 am where Ryan will discuss the process of her MFA thesis work. A closing reception for her and fellow MFA student Yvette Perullo will be held on Friday, November 15, 5 - 7 pm.
November 18 - 25, 2013
Heather Galloway Vickers and Robert Kingsley
Reception: Friday, November 22, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
West Gallery
An exhibition of lanscape painting by Professor Emeritus Robert Kingsley, DePauw University, and his former student Heather Galloway Vickers, Continuing Lecturer, Purdue University.
Please join us on Friday, November 22, at 5 pm for the exhibition reception.
Selected works from the Purdue University Galleries' Permanent Collection
Reception: Thursday, November 21, 5:00 - 6:30 pm
West Gallery
Purdue students from the Art History Student Organization have curated this beautiful exhibition of Japanese Prints from Purdue University Galleries' Permanent Collection. Descriptive text composed by Purdue students is displayed alongside the selections.
Please join us Thursday, November 21, from 5 - 6:30 pm in the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries for the exhibition reception.
December 2 - 13, 2013
SIGHTLINES: Design and Craft by D. Miller and J. Robertson
West Gallery
Sightlines is an exhibition of the design work of Derek Miller and Jessica Robertson. They are both MFA candidates in Scenic Design in their third and final year. The collection of scenic design work being displayed includes both shows produced at Purdue Theatre and classroom projects. Also being displayed are examples of properties craft, scenic art, and projection design.

SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW - Recent Acquisitions and Research
The Special Collection of Historic Dress
East Gallery
This exhibition features items from the department of theatre's special collection of historic dress. Curated by associate professor and department chair Joel Ebarb, the collection has grown to include more than 1,000 items. Each fall, Joel Ebarb organizes an exhibition that showcases recent acquisitions to the collection. This collection is a repository of fashion to be used for study. It is a tangible encyclopedia and a resource for whoever wants to use it.