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English 106

There are several version of English 106. All have the same outcomes and are taught by the same staff—Department of English instructors and graduate students trained extensively in teaching writing.

ENGL 10600, First-Year Composition with Conferences

ENGL 10600 is a 4-credit hour composition course that includes embedded time for conferences. Students in the course produce at least 6,000 words of polished writing. Some of this text production will be done using multimedia, and some of it may be composed in short assignments. Writing topics will be closely tied to the course’s theme or approach, and may include personal experiences as well as research-based arguments. Students may also be asked to write on topics that are related to their major fields of study.

ENGL 10600 often includes different types of research directed toward a final project reflecting the expertise students have gained over the semester. Students often explore multiple topics and rhetorical contexts, and produce and analyze digital media environments. So instructors may use planning assignments in order to help students discover and explore a topic, angle, or audience. Students will also spend time reading and discussing writing of their own, their peers, and professionals. Instructors may accomplish this through in-class review sessions or in weekly or bi-weekly conferences. Additionally, instructors may select outside readings related to the theme of the class or readings that are similar in purpose to the writing they expect students to do.

Sample Syllabi:

Engl 106: Narratives of Place with Mary Ardery (Spring 2023)

Engl 106: Academic Rhetorics with Marisa Yerace (Spring 2021 - Modified for Pandemic)


ENGL 10600INTL, First-Year Composition, International Sections

This course is not being offered in Fall 2024.

Some sections of ENGL 10600 are offered for non-native speakers of English only; these courses are designated in both the suffix, "INTL," and the section numbers: ENGL 10600-I## where the “I” indicates “International” and ## indicates the rest of the section number. These sections of first-year composition fulfill the same requirements and are similar to other sections of ENGL 10600 in aim, content, and structure. They differ in that curricula are designed for and the instructors are carefully prepared to meet the unique cultural and linguistic needs of second-language writers. As a result, English 106INTL is not a suitable course for native speakers of English.

For more information about any of the English courses for non-native speakers, please contact Harris Bras, Coordinator of ESL Composition by email (

Sample Syllabus: Engl 106INTL with Fiona Wang (Spring 2023)

ENGL 10600INOL, First-Year Composition, International Sections: Online

This course is not being offered in Fall 2024.

We also offer ENGL 10600 INOL in Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. These sections are asynchronous online versions of ENGL 10600 INTL, using many of the same assignments and texts, and taught by the same instructors. Students use Brightspace, email, and other online tools to complete their coursework. ENGL 10600 INOL offers the same experience as the in-person class, and satisfies degree requirements in the same manner.  

ENGL 10600LCOM, First-Year Composition: Learning Community

This course is not being offered in Fall 2024.

Some sections of ENGL 10600 are offered as part of a Learning Community. These courses are designated with an LCOM suffix. All ENGL 10600 instructors use the same outcomes when teaching learning community courses. The only difference is the added LC experience. For more information on the Learning Communities, please visit their website.

Learning community courses are only offered in Fall semesters.

ENGL 10600DIST, First-Year Composition: Online

Information about ENGL 106DIST is on a separate page.