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Rubric Roundtable Part 2: Design

October 21, 2019 Libby Chernouski

As a follow up to the rubric roundtable at fall convocation, Libby Chernouski, Lauren Mallet, and Allegra Smith facilitated a workshop centered on rubric design. Building on the first workshop, the facilitators provided a brief overview of rubric research and rubric types before moving into a series of guided questions and considerations for instructors hoping to use rubrics for pedagogical purposes.

You can find rubric templates, handouts, and slides for both part one and part two of the workshop series in the Rubrics Roundtable Google drive folder. If you would like to talk with a facilitator regarding rubric design and development, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

This week’s workshop will feature ICaP technology mentors Dee McCormick and Kristyn Childres, who will demonstrate how to integrate rubrics into Blackboard Learn. Join us on October 23 at noon in PHYS 026!