Virtues & Vocations presents Roosevelt Montas
Monday, January 22nd at 12:00pm
Location: Zoom
As part of the Virtues & Vocations series Education for Flourishing: Conversations on Character & the Common Good, we are pleased to welcome Roosevelt Montas, author and Director of the Freedom and Citizenship Program at Columbia University. This webinar will take place at noon Eastern on Monday, January 22, 2024. There will be time for audience questions. Virtues & Vocations is a national forum housed at the Center for Social Concerns at Notre Dame for scholars and practitioners across disciplines to consider how best to cultivate character in pre-professional and professional education. You can register at this link.
"How I Teach This Text" Cornerstone Workshops
Tuesday, November 7th at 12:00pm
Location: BRNG 1284
- Claire Mason (Cornerstone) presents on The Medea
Teaching and Learning workshop - Chat GPT3 and other AI innovations, and their impact on our students- January 23, 3:00pm
Cornerstone is hosting an important Teaching and Learning workshop. Cornerstone faculty, Lindsay Hamm, along with Rhodes Pinto, James Mollison, and software engineer, Jason Dufair, will be speaking on Chat GPT3 and other AI innovations, and their impact on our students.
Please see: https://www.purdue.edu/innovativelearning/supporting-instruction/tlcop/
Reimagining General Education: A Cornerstone Institute
Thursday, November 10, and Friday, November 11, 2022
Purdue Memorial Union and Stewart Center
This conference, “Reimagining General Education: A Cornerstone Institute,” is centered around Purdue’s highly successful Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts as a model for other institutions of higher education. Purdue’s Cornerstone program has become an integral part of how the University delivers general education requirements. The program, now beginning its sixth year of existence, has attracted considerable national attention, and 37 other universities and colleges are currently replicating its design. But what will the next five years mean for Cornerstone and the College of Liberal Arts? As Cornerstone continues to innovate teaching and learning at Purdue, this conference will pursue two goals: firstly, to showcase, celebrate and look forward to the next five years of general education innovation at Purdue; and secondly, to reinforce the message and mechanics of building a successful, sustainable, STEM-leaning Liberal Arts program.
How I Teach This Text” - Cornerstone Teaching Workshop
Fall 2022
Tuesday, September 6th at 12:00pm
Location: BRNG 1284
- Charles Campbell (SLC) presents on the Dante’s Inferno
Monday, October 3rd at 9:00am
Location: BRNG 1284
Melissa Will (POLSCI) presents on Vonnegut’s Slaughter House Five
The Teagle Foundation Workshop Series on Teaching with Transformative Texts
A series of free workshops on what can be done to strengthen general education—as students move into STEM, business, health, and other pre-professional fields—to ensure that college students, whatever their major or background, encounter inspiring works of literature and philosophy and grasp the power of the humanities and its relevance to their professional aspirations
Teaching with Transformative Texts (Session 4): Andrew Delbanco on "Bartleby, the Scrivener" - February 10, 2022 - REGISTER HERE
Teaching with Transformative Texts (Session 5): Deborah Nord and Melinda Zook on "Frankenstein" - March 31, 2022 - REGISTER HERE
Teaching with Transformative Texts (Session 6): Rachel Hadas and Major Jackson on Teaching Poetry - April 21, 2022 - REGISTER HERE
Conference, New York University | Steinhardt: A Student’s Search for Meaning: A Conversation Between College Chaplains, Humanities Scholars, and Representatives of the Broader University World
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 from 10:00am to 4:00pm
Melinda Zook, panelist, "The Humanities and the Search for Meaning," 10:15-11:45am.
Cornerstone and the Purdue Departement of Theatre Reception
Thursday, October 28 at 3:30pm
Cornerstone faculty join the Department of Theatre to learn about their exciting Spring performances designed to enrich our students.
"How I Teach This Text" Cornerstone Workshops
Wednesday, September 29 at 9:00am
Location: BRNG 1284
- Lynn Hooker (DAP) presents on the Mahābhārata
Tuesday, November 9 at 9:30am
Location: BRNG 1284
- Bill White (HIST) presents on the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Cornerstone Reading Room Grand Opening
Dedication and grand opening of the Chris and Michelle White Cornerstone Reading Room, HSSE Library, September 3, 2021.
“An Introduction to the Cornerstone Program,” a Virtual Address for the Annual Liberal Arts Deans Meeting at Texas A & M, Melinda Zook, February 12, 2021.
“Big Ideas: The Humanities and the Profession,” a Virtual Address to the faculty and administration of Indiana University in Pennsylvania, Melinda Zook, March 27, 2021.
A Conversation with Andrew Delanco (Columbia University) and Melinda Zook, “Revitalizing the Humanities: The Power of Transformative Texts,” The Association of Core Texts and Courses, April 14, 2021
“For the Resurgent Liberal Arts: Revitalizing the Humanities across Campus,” The Pinanski Lecture, Wellesley College, Melinda Zook, April 9, 2021.
The Institute for Humane Studies (George Mason University) offers a day-long seminar devoted to the political thought of Frederick Douglass for Cornerstone students, Sunday, October 25
Organized by Zachary Goldsmith
Discussion of Douglas moderated by Douglas Casson, Professor of Political Science at St. Olaf College in Minnesota
Teagle Foundation: Faculty Institute for Cornerstone: Learning for Living, Thursday, October 15
Welcome by Andrew Delbanco, President, The Teagle Foundation
“How I Teach This Text”: Dan-El Padilla Peralta, Associate Professor of Classics, Princeton University, Cicero’s Speech in Defense of the Poet Achias
“Transformative Texts for an Emancipatory Education,” Roosevelt Montas, Senior Lecturer in American Studies, Columbia University
Teagle Foundation: Faculty Institute for Cornerstone: Learning for Living, Thursday, October 8
Welcome by Andrew Delbanco, President, The Teagle Foundation
“How I Teach This Text:” Roosevelt Montás, Senior Lecturer in American Studies, Columbia University
on “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick Douglass delivered on July 5, 1852.
“Giant Leaps for the Liberal Arts at Purdue”, Melinda Zook, Professor of History and Director of Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts, Purdue University