Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee provides guidance in the process of the development of the model professional ethics of AI and Big Data curricula.

Eric L. Barker, PhD is the Dean of Purdue University’s College of Pharmacy. Dr. Barker is a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. He served as Associate Dean for Research in Purdue’s College of Pharmacy for seven years. Dr. Barker joined Purdue in 1998 after earning his PhD in Pharmacology from Vanderbilt University and completing postdoctoral research at Vanderbilt and Emory Universities. Dr. Barker is a noted Neuropharmacologist, award-winning teacher, skilled academic leader, and pharmacist. He is a member of several professional associations that include the American Pharmacists Association, Society for Neuroscience, and American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, where he has served in leadership positions for the Neuropharmacology Division. In January 2016, he became editor-in-chief for Pharmacological Reviews, a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal. His research interests are in the area of molecular actions of drugs of abuse and other drugs that affect the brain.

Gary R. Bertoline, PhD is the Dean of the Purdue Polytechnic Institute and a Distinguished Professor of Computer Graphics Technology and Computer & Information Technology. From 1995 through 2001, Dr. Bertoline served as Department Head of Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University. From 2002 to 2006, in his role as Associate Vice President and Director, he led the creation of the Rosen Center for Advanced Computing and the Envision Center for Perceptualization. He also served for five years as the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the College of Technology before becoming dean in 2011. He was on the faculty in the College of Engineering at The Ohio State University for three years before coming to Purdue University in 1990. Dr. Bertoline earned his Bachelor of Science degree at Northern Michigan University, his Master of Engineering degree from Miami University, and his PhD at The Ohio State University. He co-founded the Indiana Next Generation Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC), as well as the Polytechnic Institute initiative at Purdue University. The Polytechnic Institute initiative is a major effort to transform the college’s curricula and learning experience for the students to better prepare graduates for life and work in the digital age. He is the lead for the Purdue Polytechnic Indianapolis High School. Dr. Bertoline’s research interests are in scientific visualization, interactive immersive environments, distributed and grid computing, workforce education and STEM education.

Mung Chiang, PhD is the John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and Roscoe H. George Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Chiang received his BS (Honors), MS and PhD from Stanford University in 1999, 2000, and 2003 respectively. Prior to coming to Purdue he was the Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He also served as Director of Keller Center for Innovations in Engineering and was the inaugural Chairman of Princeton Entrepreneurship Council. His research on networking received the 2013 Alan T. Waterman Award, the highest honor given to US young scientists and engineers. His textbook Networked Life and online course has reached 250,000 students since 2012, and the popular science book The Power of Networks was published in 2016. He founded the Princeton EDGE Lab in 2009, which bridges the theory-practice gap in edge networking research by spanning from proofs to prototypes. He co-founded startups in mobile, Internet of Things and Big Data areas, and co-founded the global nonprofit Open Fog Consortium.

David Hummels, PhD is the Dr. Samuel R. Allen Dean of the Krannert School of Management and a Distinguished Professor of Economics. His research focuses on a broad range of issues in international trade, including: offshoring, product differentiation, barriers to trade and the broader impacts of aviation, infrastructure, and trade facilitation on trade and economic development. He has published four books and over 40 research articles in major economic journals including American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of International Economics, and the Journal of Economic Perspectives. Professor Hummels is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, an Associate Editor of the Journal of International Economics, and an Associate Director of the Forum for Research on Empirical International Trade. He has worked as a consultant for, and visiting scholar at, a wide variety of central banks, development banks, and policy institutes around the world. He previously served on the faculty of the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business. Dr. Hummels holds a PhD and a Masters of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Colorado.

Nancy Marchand-Martella, PhD is the Suzi and Dale Gallagher Dean of The College of Education and Professor of Special Education. Before joining Purdue, Dr. Marchand-Martella served as the Chair of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Oklahoma since 2016, where she led department faculty across four program areas. Before that, she spent 21 years at Eastern Washington University, where she served in the departments of Applied Psychology/Counseling, Educational, and Developmental Psychology from 1995-2010; and the Department of Education from 2010-2016. She was the graduate program director from 1998-2012. She also served appointments at the University of Montana, Drake University, and Gonzaga University. Her main research interests include multi-tier system of supports providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched to students’ needs; differentiated instruction; classroom management; and effective teaching practices for at-risk learners and students with disabilities. Dr. Marchand-Martella is a Purdue alumna, having earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Purdue’s Department of Psychology. She earned a Master of Science degree in behavior analysis and therapy at Southern Illinois University and her PhD at Utah State University.

Willie M. Reed, DVM, PhD is the Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Reed received his DVM from Tuskegee University in 1978 and his PhD in veterinary pathology from Purdue University in 1982. He joined the faculty at Purdue after receiving his doctorate, and in 1990 joined Michigan State University as a member of the veterinary faculty and Director of the Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health. In January 2007, he was appointed Dean of the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. Under Dr. Reed's guidance, the Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine established the Access to Animal-Related Careers (A2RC) program to bring high-ability underrepresented students to Purdue for a residential immersion experience, and the Common Read Program for incoming veterinary students to discuss how discrimination and stereotyping can occur in a clinical environment. Dr. Reed has received numerous awards, including the prestigious USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Administrator's Award and the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians' (AAVLD) E.P. Pope Memorial Award. He is a member of the National Academies of Science Review Committee to study veterinary workforce needs, the National Institutes of Health - National Center for Research Resources Comparative Medicine Review Committee, the board of directors of the C.L. Davis Foundation for the Advancement of Veterinary Pathology, and the AAVLD Accreditation Committee. He is a past president of the AAVLD and the American Association of Avian Pathologists, and past chair of the American Veterinary Medical Association's (AVMA) Council on Research. Dr. Reed is currently the President of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges.

Marion K. Underwood, PhD is the Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences. Dr. Underwood began her professional career in 1991 as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, where she earned tenure before moving to the University of Texas at Dallas in 1998. She was Associate Dean of Programs and Administration in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences from 2013-2015 before becoming Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Provost. She also was the Ashbel Smith Professor of Psychological Sciences at UT Dallas. Dr. Underwood is a graduate of Wellesley College with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and she holds a Master’s degree and Doctoral degree, both in Clinical Psychology, from Duke University. Dr. Underwood is one of the foremost researchers in the developmental origins and outcomes of social aggression and how adolescents’ digital communication relates to adjustment. Her work appears in numerous scientific journals, and the National Institutes of Health has supported her research program since 1995. In 2003, she authored the book, Social Aggression among Girls, and in 2015, she was featured in the CNN special report "#Being13: Inside the Secret World of Teens.” Since 2003, Dr. Underwood and her research group have been conducting a longitudinal study on the origins and outcomes of social aggression and how adolescents use digital communication. Dr. Underwood, an Association of Psychological Sciences Fellow, is a recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) FIRST Award as well as the NIMH Independent Scientist Career Award.

Patrick Wolfe, PhD is the Frederick L. Hovde Dean of the College of Science. He was named the 2018 Distinguished Lecturer in Data Science by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. His research is focused on the mathematical foundations of data science. Dr. Wolfe, a native of the Midwest who joined the faculty of the University College London (UCL) in 2012 after teaching at Cambridge and then Harvard, is the founding Executive Director of UCL’s Big Data Institute. He is also a trustee and non-executive director of the Alan Turing Institute, the United Kingdom’s new $100 million national institute for data science, where he has played a leading role in establishing the institute and shaping its priorities through an extensive program of engagement with a diverse range of experts and stakeholders. A past recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the White House while at Harvard, he has provided expert advice on applications of data science to policy, societal, and commercial challenges, including to the US and UK governments and to a range of public and private bodies. He has also forged strong bilateral international scientific connections, not only between the US and UK, but also across the globe with countries as diverse as India, Japan, and Singapore.

Karen I. Plaut, PhD is the Glenn W. Sample Dean of the College of Agriculture. As Dean, Dr. Plaut is responsible for administering academic programs in the College of Agriculture, the Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service, and a number of state regulatory services. In addition to her administrative role, Dr. Plaut is also Professor of Animal Sciences and has an active research program in mammary gland biology. Prior to her appointment as dean, she was Senior Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs in the College of Agriculture. Dr. Plaut received her BS in animal science from the University of Vermont, an M.S. in animal nutrition from Pennsylvania State University, and a PhD in animal science from Cornell University. Her postdoctoral studies were completed at the National Cancer Institute at NIH. Before coming to Purdue she was on faculty at the University of Vermont and Michigan State University serving as Chair of the Department of Animal Sciences at both institutions. She also spent a few years working with NASA as Lead Scientist for the International Space Station.