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Teaching and Funding Opportunities

Writing Program Pedagogy Convocation during 2022

Based on individual student interests and departmental needs, graduate students may fulfill their assistantship each year through teaching, tutoring, or working in an administration role. Graduate instructors may teach courses in Introductory Composition at Purdue, Professional Writing, for the On-Campus Writing Lab, or serve as a teaching assistant for faculty. Graduate students working in the Writing Lab work approximately 20 hours a week tutoring, facilitating workshops, and engaging in various professional development activities. Roles in writing program administration may involve supporting our current instructors, working in programmatic assessment, or curriculum development.  


Graduate Student Funding

Students accepted to the graduate program will also receive an offer of a graduate assistantship. This graduate instructorship provides a stipend for nine months, health insurance, and a remission of tuition (including summer school) and most fees (check with the English Graduate Program Office) for the amount of the stipend, as they change each year.

A few fellowships provide tax-free stipends for twelve months and remission of tuition and most fees.

The Purdue Graduate School also maintains a list of financial information.

PhD Scholarships

The Rhetoric & Composition program and the English Department offer two scholarships for PhD students working on their dissertations. The annual deadline for applications for both of these awards is March 1.

Professor Patricia Sullivan Scholarship in Rhetoric & Composition

This scholarship was established by Harriet M. Crews (MA '88, English) and Sandra K. Biggs in honor of Professor Patricia Sullivan.

Deadline: March 1

Amounts: $1,500

Criteria for Eligibility: Through the generosity of Harriet Crews (an alumna of Purdue's Rhetoric & Composition program) and her partner, Sandra Biggs, the Department of English is able to offer the Sullivan Scholarship to support dissertation work. To be eligible, you must be a current Rhetoric & Composition PhD student. Preference will be given to students who are serving as Teaching or Research Assistants in the department and who are ABD.

To Apply: TBD for Spring 2025.

Professor Janice Lauer Dissertation Award in Rhetoric & Composition

This scholarship honors Professor Janice Lauer, one of the founders of Purdue's Rhetoric & Composition doctor program in 1980. She directed and taught in the program for 23 years before retiring and is recognized as a foundational scholar in the field.

Deadline: March 1

Amount: $1,500

Criteria for Eligibility: The Lauer Dissertation Award currently offers $1,500 to recognize an ABD PhD student in Rhetoric & Composition whose dissertation project is judged as excellent by alumni of the program. Current students working in any research area in R/C may apply.

To Apply: TBD for Spring 2025.