To make the most of the space available to me in this frame format and to avoid a mere listing of web pages, I have set up the links page using DHTML. For optimum viewing, you should use Microsoft Explorer, Netscape 4, or Mozilla as your browser. Netscape 6 (especially on a Mac) has some major problems handling this DHTML even though it works perfectly on Netscape's source code, Mozilla. If you are a Netscape 6 user, I recommend a free download of Mozilla, which works seamlessly with Netscape 6. Alternatively, you will soon be able to turn to a version of this list in static HTML.

On the left, you will find links to the various subheadings. Once you are inside a subcategory, you can scroll up and down, when necessary, by placing your cursor over the arrow icons at the bottom right (you can try it now, actually). To scroll faster, simply click on an arrow icon and hold down (herein lies one of the bugs in Netscape, by the way). The links on the left include information about each of the individual psychoanalytical theorists discussed in the Psychoanalysis Modules: Freud, Lacan, Zizek, and Kristeva. In addition, I provide a pedagogy list, which links to syllabi and web pages from classes that introduce psychoanalysis to undergraduate or graduate students. Under books, I offer a few works that I have found helpful in introducing psychoanalytical concepts to students. If you click the Introduction link, you will return to this page.

Note that this list is not designed to be exhaustive by any means. I only mention those sites and books that I have found to be particularly interesting or of use. If you know of any other links or books of interest, feel free to e-mail me with the information ( and I will consider adding your recommendation to the list.

Jim Hopkin's Introduction to Freud.
An easy-to-follow and extensive introduction Freud's major concepts (based at the Philosophy Department, King's College, London). See also Prof. Hopkin's more philosophical analysis of Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, originally published in The Cambridge Companion to Freud. (This latter one will be more of interest to graduate students.)

Christopher D. Green's site, Classics in the History of Psychology or CHP, based at York University, Canada.
An extremely helpful database that reproduces all sorts of articles and books on psychoanalysis, including all of Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, "The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis," and "The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement." Click on the author index ("sorted by") and then scroll down to Freud. This list also includes a couple of works by Jung.

Library of Congress virtual exhibition, Freud: Conflict and Culture.
A beautifully laid out virtual tour of Freud's career, which was created with the cooperation of the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna and the Freud Museum in London. The textual descriptions are brief; however, the exhibit allows you to view a number of original manuscript pages and images from Freud's life.

Barry Laga's Reading with an Eye on the Psyche.
A well laid out introduction to the application of Freudian psychoanalysis to literary and cultural texts. The site is designed to be accessible to undergraduate students and includes a few definitions and suggestions of how to approach a text using Freudian concepts.

Peter Cassidy's Introduction to Pscyhoanalysis.
A general overview of psychoanalysis, which also includes a list of significant post-Freudian figures (excluding Lacan-inspired figures).

Mary Klages' Lecture Notes on Pscyhoanalysis and Sigmund Freud.
A general overview of Freudian thought that hits on many of the concepts discussed in this site.
two links in this site are particularly helpful to students and scholars who are first learning about Lacan. There is a superb, detailed chronology of Lacan's life and helpful bibliographies of some of the more influential Lacanian critics, including a listing of Slavoj Zizek's publications. When I write this, it is also possible to view a lecture by Slavoj Zizek himself, presented in RealPlayer format. In Spring 2002 issue of's journal, Symptom, you can also find Zizek's response to September 11, 2001.

Mary Klages' Lecture Notes on Jacques Lacan.
A general overview of Lacanian thought that hits on many of the concepts discussed in this site.
Two links in this site are devoted to Zizek. There is a listing of Slavoj Zizek's publications and, when I write this, a lecture by Slavoj Zizek himself, presented in RealPlayer format.

Laura Bartlett Snyder's Fan Site on Zizek.
Includes excerpts from Zizek's publications and offers a very brief introduction to Zizek's critique of postmodern subjectivity (based at the University of Louisville).

W. Clark Pollitt's Land of Zizek.
Includes links to Zizek articles on the web, a bibliography of works published by Zizek, and a very brief introduction to Zizek (also based at the University of Louisville).

Zizek's Publications in Eurozine.
Zizek speaks up on such topics as war and terrorism; Milosevic and Yugoslavia; and Jürg Haider.

Helene Volat's Introduction to Kristeva.
This is a rather brief introduction to Julia Kristeva's concepts; however, it does provide detailed information about her various publications (based at SUNY, Stony Brook).

An Interview with Julia Kristeva.
Published in the NY Arts Magazine and conducted by Nina Zivancevic.

Prof. Richard Gray's Freud and the Literary Imagination (German and Comp. Lit.).
An undergraduate class at the University of Washington. The syllabus gives suggestions on how one might apply Freud to literary texts (Kafka, Mann, etc.) and the web site includes detailed lecture notes on important Freudian concepts, including the Oedipus complex, the uncanny, and hysteria.

Prof. Mary Klages' Introduction to Literary Theory.
An undergraduate class at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The class includes an opening section on psychoanalysis, which includes Prof. Klages' helpful lecture notes on Freud and Lacan.

Zizek, Slavoj. Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture. Cambridge: MIT P, 1991.
Zizek's own introduction to Lacan is a fun (although sometimes challenging) read. As in all his book, Zizek often finds perfect pop-cultural examples to illustrate important Lacanian points, although this introduction attempts to eschew Zizek's more philosophical writing.

Bowie, Malcolm. Lacan. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1991.
A helpful introduction to Lacanian thought, with chapters on "Freud and Lacan," "Language and the Unconscious," "Symbolic, Imaginary, Real," and "The Meaning of the Phallus."