To make the most of the space available to me in this frame format and to avoid a mere listing of web pages, I have set up the links page using DHTML. For optimum viewing, you should use Microsoft Explorer, Netscape 4, or Mozilla as your browser. Netscape 6 (especially on a Mac) has some major problems handling this DHTML even though it works perfectly on Netscape's source code, Mozilla. If you are a Netscape 6 user, I recommend a free download of Mozilla, which works seamlessly with Netscape 6. Alternatively, you will soon be able to turn to a version of this list in static HTML.

On the left, you will find links to the various subheadings. Once you are inside a subcategory, you can scroll up and down, when necessary, by placing your cursor over the arrow icons at the bottom right (you can try it now, actually). To scroll faster, simply click on an arrow icon and hold down (herein lies one of the bugs in Netscape, by the way). The links on the left include information about the following:


1) Literature: includes links that help students learn about literature by woman or applications of gender/sex theories on literature.

2) Culture: includes links that help students learn about the role of gender and sex in our culture at large.

3) Theory: includes links that help students learn about theories of gender and sex.

4) Pedagogy: includes links to syllabi and web pages from classes that introduce theories of gender and sex to undergraduate or graduate students.


1) Intros: includes recommended books that are accessible to beginners seeking to understand theories of gender and sex.

If you click the Introduction link, you will return to this page. Note that this list is not designed to be exhaustive by any means. I only mention those sites and books that I have found to be particularly interesting or of use. If you know of any other links or books of interest, feel free to e-mail me with the information ( and I will consider adding your recommendation to the list.

Coming soon.

Coming Soon.

Barry Laga's "Reading with an Eye on Gender"
A general introduction to how one might approach texts "with an eye on gender." The web site is well laid out, the writing is lucid, and the material is designed to be accessible to undergraduate students. Prof. Laga offers up a number of helpful questions that one might consider when approaching a given literary or cultural work from this critical perspective.

Warren Hedges' "Taxonomy of Feminist Intellectual Traditions"
A helpful breakdown of the various kinds of feminism, including psychoanalytical feminism, materialist feminism, and queer theory. The breakdown illustrates just how complex and heterogeneous is the study of theories of gender and sex.

Eve Sedgwick's own Heuristics for Reading Nineteenth-Century Fiction
Prof. Sedgwick, who is the subject of one of my modules and who now teaches at the CUNY Graduate Center (though she previously taught at Duke University), offers up some questions that students might consider as they approach a given literary text with an eye to issues of gender and sexuality. Also of interest is her own graduate course syllabus on "Queer Performativity" at Duke University.

Susan Gallagher's "Intro to Gender Studies" and "Gender, Law and Politics"
These are two political-science undergraduate courses at the U of Massechusetts, Lowell. The web design of the two courses is quite attractive and easy to navigate; many of the readings are also provided as internet links, which makes the site especially useful to teachers. The "Gender, Law, and Politics" course also includes study/discussion questions tied to the weekly readings.

Coming Soon.