Patrick J. Hearden
// History
Emeriti Faculty
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Office hours: Retired
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1971
U.S. History. U.S. Foreign Affairs.
Professor Hearden has a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, 1971. His area of specialty is American Diplomatic History. his publications are: Architects of Globalism: Building a New World Order During World War II, University of Arkansas Press, 2002; The Tragedy of Vietnam, New York: HarperCollins 1991; Roosevelt Confronts Hitler: America's Entry into World War II, DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1987; Independence and Empire: The New South's Cotton Mill Campaign, 1865-1901, DeKalb: Northern Illinois Press, 1982 (paperback edition, 1986). Retired from 27 years as faculty member of Department of History at Purdue December 2010.