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Minh Trinh

Minh Trinh

Research Focus

Authoritarian Regimes

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Minh D. Trinh is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and participates in the Advanced Methods program.

Trinh received his Ph.D. in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in May 2022. He previously received a B.A. in Government and M.A. in Statistics from Harvard University. Before joining Purdue, Minh was a Raphael Morrison Dorman Memorial Postdoctoral Fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University.

A scholar of comparative politics, Trinh studies the politics of durable authoritarian regimes. His book manuscript examines the problem of internal misinformation through falsified government statistics and its impact on authoritarian governance. He also pursues a separate research agenda investigating the origins of citizens’ voluntary compliance with authoritarian rule.

Trinh’s research has been supported by the Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG), the Mercatus Center at George Mason UniversityMIT Center for International Studies, the MIT Political Methodology Lab, and MIT GOV/LAB.
