Michael G. Smith
- Professor // History
- Professor // Cornerstone
Office and Contact
Room: BRNG 6170
Office hours: By appointment, before or after class.
Email: mgsmith@purdue.edu
Phone: (765) 494-4132
Fax: (765) 496-1755
Transformative Texts: Critical Thinking and Communication (SCLA 101)
History of Russia to 1861 (HIST 238)
History of Russia from 1861 (HIST 239)
History of Aviation (HIST 384)
History of the Space Age (HIST 387)
Michael Smith teaches Russian History and Aerospace History. He received his Ph.D. from Georgetown University in 1991. Here are his publications:
The Spacefaring Earth: A History of the Space Age (New York and London: Routledge Press, 2025).
The Rocket Lab: Maurice Zucrow, Purdue University, and America’s Race to Space (West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2023).
Rockets and Revolution: A Cultural History of Early Spaceflight (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014).
Language and Power in the Creation of the USSR, 1917-1953 (Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter Publishers, 1998).
Editor with Isaiah Gruber and Sandra Pujals, “Russia beyond the Traditional Boundaries: Essays in Honor of David M. Goldfrank,” in Russian History 41/1-2 (2014): double issue with sixteen articles.
Editor with A.I. Zevelev et al., Istoriia natsional’nykh politicheskikh partii Rossii / A History of the National Political Parties of Russia (Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia, 1997).
“Marx, Technocracy and the Corporatist Ethos,” Studies in Soviet Thought 36 (1988): 233-250.
“An Empire of Substitutions: The Language Factor in the Russian Revolution,” in The Battle for Ukrainian: A Comparative Perspective, ed. Michael S. Flier and Andrea Graziosi (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017), 143-166. Reprint.
“The Eurasian Imperative in Early Soviet Language Planning: Russian Linguists at the Service of the Nationalities,” in Beyond Sovietology: Essays in History and Politics, ed. Susan G. Solomon (Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1993): 159-91.
“Ethnicity and Culture,” in The Soviet Union, ed. Daniel C. Diller (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 1990): 129-149.
Contributor and Interview, “Rockets,” and “Ask the Experts,” Britannica All New Kids' Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Lloyd (Chicago: Britannica Books, 2020): 38-39, 48.
“Stalinism and the Genesis of Cosmonautics,” in Russian Science Fiction Literature and Cinema: A Critical Reader, ed. Anindita Banerjee (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018): 201-213.
“The People’s Commissariat for Nationality Affairs,” in The Modern Encyclopedia of Russia, Soviet, and Eurasian History, #16, ed. Bruce Adams (Gulf Breeze, Florida: Academic International Press, 2005): 183-187.
“The Archeology of Empire in Baku,” Surviving Together: A Quarterly on Grassroots Cooperation in Eurasia 14/4 (Winter 1996): 47-49.
“Tongue Ties: A Brief Historical Survey of Language Politics in the USSR” and “Finding the Right Words: The Status of the Native Language in Azerbaijan,” Surviving Together: A Quarterly on Grassroots Cooperation in Eurasia 13/1 (Spring 1995): 57-60.
“For Rationalization of Language: The Bolshevik Experience with Esperanto,” in The Idea of a Universal Language, ed. Humphrey Tonkin and Karen Johnson-Weiner (New York: Center for Research of World Language Problems, 1986): 69-76.