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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Professor // Sociology
Emeriti Faculty

Office and Contact

Ph.D., Ohio State University (1963)

Harry Potter became a faculty member at Purdue University in 1963. His interests are in social organization and social change, especially in relations across hierarchies, such as how communities interact with the national government. For the last several years that interest has focused on how those relationships are manifested in and through environmental issues. He has published papers in Public Opinion Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Journal of Community Development, Sociological Focus, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Water Resources Bulletin, and Journal of Economic Entomology, as well as book chapters and conference proceedings. He has provided considerable service to the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, twice serving as Director of Graduate Studies, and as Director of the Social Research Institute where he was responsible for creating the first department instructional computing lab on campus. He teaches a graduate research methods course every fall, which attracts students from several departments across campus, and classes on community and environmental sociology.