Eric N. Waltenburg
- Professor // Political Science
- Affiliated Faculty // Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies // SIS
Research Focus
Constitutional Law, Judicial and State Politics
Curriculum vitae
Office and Contact
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
M.A., The Ohio State University
B.A., Indiana University-Fort Wayne
American Politics
Comparative Politics
Politics of Groups and Identities
Research Summary
Eric Waltenburg's teaching and research interests are judicial politics and state politics. Currently he is engaged in research programs focusing on judicial decision making in a comparative perspective and the development of a forecasting model of state legislative outcomes. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the University of Bergen (Norway), and the L. Meltzers Hoyskolefond (Norway).
Awards and Grants
Purdue University Integrative Data Science Initiative. 2018. “A Relational-Based Measure of State Legislator Consequence” ($225,000), with Dan Goldwasser.
University of Bergen. 2011. “Political Behavior in the Supreme Court of Norway: How Political Values Can Account for Justices’ Pattern of Voting Decisions” (approximately $37,500), research project participant with Gunnar Grendstad and William R. Shaffer.
L. Meltzers Hoyskolefond. 2010. “Political Behavior in the Supreme Court of Norway: How Political Values Can Account for Justices’ Pattern of Voting Decisions” (approximately $64,000), research project participant with Gunnar Grendstad and William R. Shaffer.
National Science Foundation Small Grants for Exploratory Research. 2003. “SGER: Black Public Opinion, the Supreme Court, and the University of Michigan Affirmative Action Decision” ($77,500), with Rosalee A. Clawson and Katherine Tate.
Selected Publications
Grendstad, Gunnar, William R. Shaffer, Jorn Oyrehagenm, and Eric N. Waltenburg. Forthcoming. Proactive and Powerful: Law Clerks and the Institutionalization of the Norwegian Supreme Court. The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
Nie, Mintao, Eric N. Waltenburg, and William P. McLauchlan. Forthcoming. “Time Chart of the Justices Revisited: An Analysis of the Influences on the Time It Takes to Compose the Majority Opinion on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Justice System Journal.
Solberg, Rorie, Jennifer Segal Diascro, and Eric N. Waltenburg. Eds. Forthcoming. Open Judicial Politics. Ecampus OER.
Nie, Mintao and Eric N. Waltenburg. 2017. “The Impact of Black Media on Diffuse Support for the U.S. Supreme Court.” Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 14 (2): 603-620. doi: 10.1017/S1742058X17000194
Grendstad, Gunnar, William R. Shaffer, and Eric Waltenburg. 2015. Policy Making in an Independent Judiciary: The Norwegian Supreme Court. Colchester, United Kingdom: ECPR Press.
Solberg, Rorie and Eric N. Waltenburg. 2014. The Media, the Court, and the Misrepresentation: The New Myth of the Court. New York: Routledge. Reviewed in: Choice.