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Charles Brown

Charles Brown

Lecturer // PLaCE // English
Instructional Staff

Office and Contact

Room: Young Hall 802



ENGL 110

ENGL 111

Short Courses in Academic Writing, Professionalization, and Technical Communication

Charles Allen Brown holds a BA in anthropology with a specialization in archaeology from Ohio State University, a BS in English education from Ohio State University, an MA in TESOL from Penn State University, and a PhD in educational policy and leadership from Ohio State University. In his teaching, he especially works to promote the academic communication skills of international researchers. He has served as an associate professor in the Research Faculty of International Communication, Media, and Tourism Studies at Hokkaido University, Japan, and as an associate professor in the English Department at Northern Marianas College, Saipan. His work has also involved training pre-service teachers in Japan, Taiwan, and the United States. His research especially focuses upon applying methods from critical media studies to shed light upon the hidden curriculum in English language teaching (ELT) materials with a focus on those used in Japan and Taiwan.