Carolyn Cummings Perrucci
// Sociology
Emeriti Faculty
Affiliated Faculty // Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies // SIS
Office and Contact
Ph.D., Purdue University (1965)
gender; work; family
Dr. Perrucci joined the faculty at Purdue University in 1964 and served as Department Head from 1998 to 2003, and Director of Undergraduate Programs from 2009 - 2017. She also served as Assistant Equal Opportunity Officer, Chair of Women’s Studies, and Associate Dean of the Graduate School. Her research has been supported by: DOE, DOL, the Ford and Kellogg Foundations, Indiana AFL-CIO, and the CIC. She has co-authored or co-edited five books: Marriage and the Family: A Critical Analysis and Proposals for Change; Women in Scientific and Engineering Professions; Plant Closings: International Context and Social Costs: The Transformation of Work in the New Economy; and American at Risk: The Crisis of Hope, Trust, and Caring. Plant Closings won the Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award from the North Central Sociological Association. Also, she has authored over sixty scientific book chapters and articles in journals, including the American Sociological Review, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Social Problems, Sociology and Social Research, Sociology of Education, and The Sociological Quarterly. She received the 2014 Distinguished Woman Scholar Award at Purdue. She received the Helen Schlemann Award and Violet Haas Award for service to women. Active in professional associations, she was elected Vice President and President of the North Central Sociological Association, elected Vice President, member of the Board of Directors, and Chair of the Division on Youth, Aging, and the Life Course of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, and member of the Council, and Chair of the Section on Sex and Gender of the American Sociological Association. She is an Editorial Board member of the journal Social Problems. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in the sociology of gender, work and family, and education, and received the Outstanding Teaching Award in her department.
Affiliate Faculty, Women, Gender and Sexuality Department
Affiliate Faculty, Butler Center for Leadership Excellence