Annalisa Mosca
Curriculum vitae
Office and Contact
D.M.L., Doctorate of Modern Languages, Middlebury College Language Schools
Language Pedagogy and Technology; Literacy in Foreign Languages applied to Italian as a Second Language (ILS); Italian Language and Culture; French Language and Culture, Intercultural Competence.
Other Purdue roles: Leader of Trieste Summer Abroad faculty-led program; Italian Club Advisor; Language Examiner, SLC Lecturer Committee Chair
Dr. Annalisa Mosca is the Coordinator of Beginner and Intermediate Italian Language Sequence, role in which she was appointed in 2011. She regularly teaches the courses of the beginning and intermediate language sequence, the intensive Italian sequence, and the conversation courses. She transformed the content of ITAL 202 into Italian for the Professions course. She has also taught the advanced language course sequence at Purdue.
Annalisa is the creator and leader in charge of the "A multicultural experience - Trieste Summer Abroad" in Italy, a successful faculty-led departmental study abroad program during which she also teaches ITAL 280 Abroad. This program is open to all Purdue students and has no language pre-requisite, although students will also study Italian while abroad. Inquire with her about information on this fun and affordable experience. In addition, the program offers a professional development opportunity for SLC graduate students.
Annalisa was among the first at Purdue to implement a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project based on Art and Identity into an intermediate level course; she hopes to repeat the COIL experience in the future. She became an IMPACT Faculty Fellow in the Fall 2018 Cohort receiving a grant. This grant helped redesign the Italian curriculum by integrating active and intercultural learning as well as more technology in the classroom. The redesign was implemented starting in the Fall 2019. She was invited by CILMAR to become a GIL scholar during the Spring of 2019 and has completed the program. She also collaborates with CILMAR as an Intercultural Mentor and IDI debriefer.
Outside of Purdue, Annalisa served as the Midwest Representative for the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) until 2023. She was appointed for a term of four years as a member of SAT Italian Committee and she served in several roles during the College Board annual AP Reading for Italian, also giving the AP Professional night workshop in 2015. She actively presents at conferences on pedagogical applied activities and is invited speaker for pedagogical workshops.