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Alfred J. López

Alfred J. López

Professor and Department Head // English

Professor // Cornerstone

Professor // Comparative Literature // SLC

Affiliated Faculty // American Studies // SIS

Mellon Foundation Provost's Fellow for Academic Leadership, 2024-2025 // English

Office and Contact

Room: SC 124C


Phone: 765-494-6478


Global South & postcolonial studies

Cuban & Cuban-American studies

Latin American & Caribbean studies


Selected Publications


Posts and Pasts: A Theory of Postcolonialism.  State University of New York Press, 2001.

Ed. & intro: Postcolonial Whiteness: A Critical Reader on Race and Empire.  State University of New York Press, 2005.

José Martí and the Future of Cuban Nationalism.  University Press of Florida, 2006.

José Martí: A Revolutionary Life.  University of Texas Press (Trade), 2014.

A Posthumous History of José Martí: The Apostle and his Afterlife. Routledge, 2022.

The Routledge Companion to Literature and the Global South. Ed. & intro. with Ricardo Quintana-Vallejo. Routledge, 2023.


Selected Articles & Translation:

“La patria y el tirano: José Martí and the Role of Literature in the Formation of Cuban Nationalisms.”  Cuban Studies 33 (2003).

“Dressing for Success in the New Global U. S. South; Or, the Rediscovery of the New World.” American Literature 78.4 (Fall 2006).  Special Issue: “Global Contexts, Local Literatures: The New Southern Studies.”  Guest Editors: Kathryn McKee and Annette Trefzer.

“Hugo Meltzl and That Dangerous American Supplement; or, A Tale of Two 1877s.”  Comparative Literature 61:3 (Summer 2009).  Special Issue: “The Americas, Otherwise.” Guest Editors: Lois Parkinson Zamora and Silvia D. Spitta.

“The Repeating Plantation: Images of 'the South' in the Postcolonial World.” Comparative Literature 63.4 (Fall 2011).

 “Occupying Reality: Fanon Reading Hegel.”  South Atlantic Quarterly 112.1 (2013). Special Issue: “Fanon: Imperative of the Now.” Guest Editor: Grant Farred.

“Myth, Martyrdom, and the Many Deaths of José Martí.” Cuban Studies 44 (2016).

Translation of José Martí. “Nuestra América” [“Our America”]. Norton Anthology of American Literature, Ninth ed. Vol. 2: 1865 to the Present. 2016.

“Contesting the Material Turn; or, The Persistence of Agency.” Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 5.3 (September 2018). Special Issue: Animating Theories of the Material: Approaching Animist Being in Postcolonial Literatures. Guest Editor: Rosemary Jolly & Alex Fyfe.

“Scenes from the Global South: Women’s Bodies as Waste in Bolaño’s 2666.Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 7.1 (January 2020).

“Intentions, Methods, and the Future of Global South Studies.” Comparative Literature Studies 58.1/2 (2021).



2015-2016: Ten blog posts as correspondent for the Huffington Post. See Individual posts at



Founding Editor, The Global South, published by Indiana University Press.  General Editor for Volumes 1 and 2 (2007-2008).

Guest Editor (with David Chioni Moore and Robert Marzec), Modern Fiction Studies 56.4 (Winter 2010).  Special Issue: “Postcolonial Literature, Twenty-Five Years Later.”

Guest Editor (with Grant Farred), Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25.1 (2017).  Special Issue: “Dwelling in a Global Age.”


Selected Awards & Fellowships: 

January 2016: Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion, Purdue University. Excellence in Research Award.

2018: Outstanding Faculty Member, Latino Cultural Center, Purdue University.

2020: School of Interdisciplinary Studies Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University.

Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, Department of English, Purdue University. 2021.

May-June 2003: Rockefeller Foundation. Resident Fellowship at Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy.